Chapter 6 - Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardy

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"How can so many of them be in Slytherin?!" Harry wondered out loud, shocked. "They were so nice!"

Ron stared at him. "Nice? What do you mean? They were horrible to deal with."

Now it's Hermione's turn to be confused. "Huh? Horrible?" They all told each other about their experiences.

Ron groaned. "You two were lucky to get the better ones." He grumbled.

Hermione looked deep in thought. They all glanced at the "Minecrafters" and "half-bloods". After a few moments, Hermione came to a conclusion. "Well, I think their houses are correct. The Sorting Hat can't be wrong. Gryffindor stands for bravery, Ravenclaw stands for wisdom, Hufflepuff stands for kindness, and Slytherin stands for cunning." She begun.

"We know." Harry said in answer.

Hermione face-palmed. "You didn't let me finish. Gryffindors are loyal and brave. Ravenclaws are smart and wise. Hufflepuffs are kind and welcoming, kind of jack-of-all-trades people. Slytherins are cunning and ambitious. You know that Merlin is from Slytherin, right? I also have the potential to be a Ravenclaw, but here I am, in Gryffindor."

Seeing the confused look on her friends' faces, she sighed, exasperated. "My point is, their house doesn't define them! Slytherins can be nice, too. Their traits aren't "mean" or "manipulative". Their traits are "ambitious", "cunning", and "resourceful". Instead of thinking that they are like Malfoy, they can possibly be good with people or someone who doesn't give up." She reasoned.

The other two seemed to get it. "I see what you mean, but I'm not sure about Wilbur." Harry lowered his voice, making sure that no one can overhear. "He seems to be like Malfoy, if not worse."

Ron nodded in agreement. "I guess what you say makes sense, Hermione. I agree with Harry, though. Wilbur was laughing when one of the new first years tripped and her things flew everywhere." He informed. "When did you become so defensive of them, though?" Ron asked.

Hermione shrugged. "It's called "thinking outside the box" and "theorizing", Ron. You guys should try it some times."

Ron shook his head. "Merlin's beard! Prodigies these days..."

Harry smiled as the couple bantered. Then, someone slid into the chair next to him.

"Hi, Harry." Ginny smiled at her boyfriend. "How were the newcomers like?" She questioned, curious.

Harry told her everything. Ginny nodded as she thought about the information she was given. "They seem interesting."

"Yeah, they are."


"You're so lucky! You were welcomed by the Golden Trio?!" Ava gasped.

Ava is a Hufflepuff that Bad immediately befriended with his wholesome personality. They both love baking (muffins for the demon) and had cottagecore aesthetic phases years ago. (Made that up but it fits in with Bad's personality)

Bad asked about what she meant and Ava immediately started fangirling. She told him all about the Golden Trio and their deeds, though some things seemed exaggerated.

"So... they're like celebrities here?" Bad asked. Ava nodded ecstatically. Bad pondered over this.

Everything is... strange.


"What the f*ck!" Tommy shrieked as the stairs started moving. "First alive paintings, now this?!"

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now