Chapter 12 - Teleported Underground

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"Ack!" Leo got up from the ground. "What was that for?!"

The enderman who kidnapped him just stared at him. Leo quickly averted his eyes. He squinted, looking at the surroundings with difficulty because of the lack of light. He was underground in a dungeon of some sort. Moss covered the grey once-smooth stone that had been roughened over the years. There were iron doors and bars in many places, separating each room. The place reminded Leo of the Labyrinth.

"Did you bring me into the labyrinth?" He asked the enderman, who teleported away. Then, suddenly, another enderman (or maybe it's the same enderman, Leo wasn't sure) appeared. Seems like Luna and Hazel were kidnapped as well.

Hazel brightened when she saw Leo. "Leo! Where are we?" She asked.

Leo looked around the dim room once again. "No idea."

"We're underground," Luna commented.

"Probably in the Labyrinth," Leo continued. The two demigods then filled Luna in briefly about what the Labyrinth is.

The place didn't feel like the Labyrinth, though. It gave off a different aura. It didn't seem alive. It just seemed like a normal underground room.

"We should explore. Stay close together." Hazel suggested. It was basically the only thing they could do at this point.

Leo nodded with a grin. "Yeah. Come on, time to do things the Valdez way."


"Does anyone know how to use Sam Nook #4's translator?" Piper asked, exasperated. "We need to ask the enderman where Leo, Hazel, and Luna are."

No one knew, unfortunately, so they were on their own to try and figure out how to use the translator. After several attempts, they managed to get it to work. Miraculously, the robot didn't malfunction from all the things they did wrong. It was pretty much 100% pure luck that got the translator to work.

The conversation with a nearby enderman went like this: (italics for humans, underline for enderman)

Do you understand this?



Cutting straight to the point. Where are our friends?

The enderman considered the question for quite a while before answering.

I don't know what humans would call that place.

Fine. Why did you take them there?

We randomly chose a human and just put them there, since you need to be there.

Where exactly is that place you speak of? Be specific, please.


The humans launched into a small discussion.

"It could be a lair or... the Labyrinth." Percy said.

Hermione used the translator again to ask the enderman.

Is it the Labyrinth?

I can take you all there.

The humans were silent. "Let's go, then," Blaise said, "Let's not waste time."

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now