Chapter 8 - Discussing Plans

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Wilbur glared at Tommy's L'manburg flag. "L'manburg. Really, Tommy?"

The blond glared back at his brother. "You're not the leader I followed and looked up to when we fought for L'manburg. Not anymore."

Techno sighed and dragged Wilbur away before the brunette could reply back. "Don't be annoying," He muttered to the revived man.

Once the two best friends left, Tommy turned his attention to the disks. "Disks!" His expression turned to one of joy. The blond teen immediately put a green one in the disk player. It was not Cat nor Mellohi, but it was a disk. The music was unlike any disk he had heard before.

You may have noticed that I said Wilbur and Techno are friends, not brothers. In this AU, Wilbur and Tommy are both sons of Philza. Wilbur is the biological son and adopted Tommy as his brother without Phil's consent, which is why Phil doesn't really care about Tommy. Techno is Phil's close friend and kind of an "apprentice". They're like father and son but Techno was never officially adopted. The three of them grew up together, so they were like brothers — before the wars, that is — but not actually related in any way or officially adopted by Philza.

Right now, Tommy is close with the other minors instead of Techno and Wil. The two older ones, on the other hand, are still close. They had always worked together in the wars and had (almost or/and basically) the same goals. They both wanted to destroy L'manburg (for different reasons), they both are pretty loyal (but not exactly trust) to Dream, etc.

Back to the story of the blond traumatized boy...

He then sat down on the bench. The only thing that was missing now is Tubbo and a sunset. Old memories flashed before Tommy's eyes. The Disk Saga, the wars and bloodshed. Everything.

"This can be our permanent meeting place from now on, I think." Leo suggested. Nobody disagreed with him.

Percy was playing with water from the pond. Ranboo's space was conveniently located the furthest from Percy. All the areas were placed in a circle like a conference room, so it was easy.

After everyone settled down, Bad spoke. "So, what are we going to talk about today?"

"First, you should all know about some news." Frank said. The Gryffindor demigods and SMPers then filled everyone in about the Wizard War.

"Ohhhh." Bad nodded. "I know that." He told the others about the Golden Trio's fame.

Hazel's eyes widened. "Wait, so they're celebrities of the wizarding world?"

After they all calmed down, Tommy spoke up.

"Okay, why is there a Sam Nook here?" He asked.

Realization flashed on Leo's face. "Wait, you're the one with the original Sam Nook! The first one!"

Tommy tilted his head. "What the f*ck is that supposed to mean??"

"Language!" Bad immediately responded. In return, Tommy started swearing at him with every swear word he could think of. (Which, is a lot) Everyone else cringed at the amount of swears Tommy could say in a matter of seconds.

Annabeth tried to shush everyone. "Everyone, Hazel has something to say!"

After a while, everyone finally quieted down. Hazel started. "I think the wizards and witches can see through the Mist. They weren't fooled by it at all."

This caused a whole discussion about the Mist and wether they can hide things from the wizards and witches or not.

"Do we really need to hide, though?" Techno asked. "If we're all going to be in a prophecy together, we should trust each other. Teammates shouldn't have secrets between them. We should prevent betrayals." He intensely glared at Tommy. No one commented on this.

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