Chapter 21 - Welp, This Is My Life Now

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For the entire week, Harry, Draco, and Piper watched Techno, Ranboo, Niki, and Philza come and go from the snowy base.

They were studying maps and preparing for a long journey to the main SMP. This way, they can reunite with their quester peers.

Just before they left, Harry told them (reluctantly to Draco) that he overheard Techno, Philza, and Niki discuss something about "Dream" "prison" and "Ranboo". It didn't sound like a good thing.

"Stay safe," Techno's voice was still monotone. It sounded like no matter what happens, he is always unperturbed. "And if you meet anyone else, ask them about how they've been. Talk about the demigod dreams. Chat will get word back to me."

The three questers nodded, but it was Piper who really took it to heart. "Come on, let's go." She said to her new comrades. "Bye, sensei-blade!"

Harry had used a spell of some sort to keep them warm. While on the run (in his final year) he learned a lot of practical, survival-related spells from Hermione. This was one of them. Potions were used by them to enhance their speed and help them reach the SMP better.

During their stay, Techno taught them Minecraft potions, which Draco aced at making. While Harry and Piper studied the maps and helped around the estate, Draco had been learning a lot about potions. Of course, the other two didn't miss out on the opportunity, but they didn't have as much skill with potions as Draco did. However, Piper excelled at remembering other common Minecraft knowledge such as the types of mobs they have, how to kill them, and what use they are. Harry was able to memorize just about the entire geography and remember all the factions that Philza, Niki, and Techno knew existed.

The three were also brought into the Nether, which was a bit horrifying for them. They did get the materials needed for potions, though, which is a plus. As soon as they reunite with their friends, they would teach them all they have learned and exchange information.


"You can come see Las Nevadas," Tubbo suggested. "There's been new recruits there who are probably your friends."

His words rang in Blaise's head. The young ram hybrid was currently leading them towards Las Nevadas and teaching them the geography of the place. The questers have been taught about this world during their week stay and it was paying off. They now know how to kill most of the monster here, and admittedly, they were weaker than the Greek, Roman, and wizard ones. (Wizards don't encounter them often and are never really in danger but what do you think defense against the dark arts is for? Boggarts are technically monsters. Dementors too)

"Annnd that's Las Nevadas, the country and casino I work for!" Tubbo declared ecstatically.

There was an enormous sign that said "LAS NEVADAS" in huge, bold red letters.

"L-S-A N-H-V-B-O-A-S?" Jason squinted as he spelled out a random and weird string of letters. "Nevermind. It says Las Nevadas, right? Dyslexia doesn't help me with this."

Tubbo gave him a look of understanding, "Right? Letters make me dizzy. It's so hard to read!"

Hazel asked, "Wait, you're dyslexic too?!"

"Don't tell me..." Blaise groaned after his realization, "Wow, I'm the only one here that can read."

"Whatttt, no, we can read too," Tubbo protested as the group slowly advanced towards the casino-nation. "It's just hard and requires a lot of focus. And time. And effort."

Blaise gave him a long stare. "That's basically the same thing."

"......" Hazel shrugged, "I mean, he's got a point."

Tubbo dramatically gasped, "Hazel! I thought we were on the same team! Dyslexic people should stick together against- uh, nonbelievers!"

"Nonbelievers??" Several voices repeated in the same confused tone with a tint of laughter.

"Yes yes. Mhm." Tubbo confirmed, somehow keeping on a serious face.


"Ow..." Carter laid on top of a tree. He had fallen from the sky, separated from his sister and pretty much all signs of life. Well, all signs of life if you don't count the trees, which would result in a very angry Lorax and a dead Carter walking, or in this case laying down on a tree (a tree that was, ironically, not counted) and trying to resist the pain from his bruises and breathing and existing-


Anyway, the magician has gained a lot of bruises from his fall. After a minute or two, he finally decided that he should probably get up and assess the situation. Maybe find that annoying, hotheaded, bullying- I mean, his beloved, kind, beautiful sister who was lost. Please don't hurt me, Sadie.

Carter looked down from the tree and almost fell from astonishment. The tree — can it even be called one? — was the tallest he's ever seen. Taller than most buildings. As tall as a skyscraper. Of course, he's been in very high places such as towers, so he has some experience, but this is on a whole other level. This is a tree, not a building. Unless someone can build a tree, which should be physically and humanly impossible.

How do physics even apply to this thing? Carter wondered. Then, he wanted to smack himself in the face. He's literally a magician of the House of Life in Brooklyn House. He's fought and sealed gods. He's literally descended from Ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Magic literally exists. His entire life is the definition of weirdness. So, a giant tree exists. Why not? How is this out-of-the-world weird at all even after everything?

Every time I think I know everything, the world decides to shock me more! Carter mentally sighed. I'm a magician, no problem. I'm like this half-god-ruler thing blah blah. Okay. My dad became Osiris, god of the Underworld. Sure. Greeks exist. Alright. And Romans ALSO exist. Great. New parthenons! Just when I thought I finally knew everything that exists, THIS appears! World, it's not even funny anymore.

The dark-skinned teen muttered an Egyptian curse under his breath — not the magical kind, the other kind.

Well, first, he had to at least get down.


Carter quickly whipped his head up, eyes widened in shock. Another person — someone he did not recognize — was falling from the sky like him just a minute ago.

A bunch of cuss words and unintelligible sounds were coming from the stranger's mouth as he- she? got dangerously close to the tree. Before they would hit the tree like he did earlier, however, the newcomer's body shrunk. Their arms grew feathery and their clothes and skin turned into feathers. Their mouth morphed into a beak while their feet turned into talons. A pink-headed fruit dove, covered with green and pink feathers.

The dove fluttered down to the tree without a single scratch or getting hurt. And then, it looked at Carter.


Do you know the audio "international superstar"?

Me: *writing DSMP fics*

Also me: *has not watched lore in like a year and has been relying on google and wikis for information*

Also me: *knows less about the fandom and its news than people who aren't in the fandom*

International, superspy...... SUPERSPYYYYYY


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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