Chapter 15 - Memories 2/2

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Continuing the cliffhanger just because I can. I am evil MUAHAHAHA!

I like torturing readers >:D

Alright, but I will admit I do like theorists, which is why I drop red herrings all the time. Keep your eyes peeled for them and work your brain to try to predict the future. Hehe...

CW//Swearing (Tommy)

"OI D*CKHEAD WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!!" Tommy yelled as Ron tried to survive. He is not succeeding.

Drista rolled her eyes. "Shut up, child." She smirked as the blond whipped around to face her.

"HEY I'M NOT A FVCKING CHILD YOU STUPID- AHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUVCK!!!" Before he could finish his sentence, a fork flew at his head and he dodged it.

They both got detention. (Again)

Auiak could barely conceal her laughter. "At this point, you'll be expelled," she half-heartedly chastised, "Actually, you'd get me expelled. I'm supposed to be responsible."

Tommy groaned, "Yeah, yeah, whatever..." He glared at Wilbur, who was not even trying to hide his uncontrollable laughter.


Leo, Irene, Auiak, and Drista were sitting together for dinner. Piper and Jason were doing couple things, so they were a bit on the side.

Ah, right, Leo's old job: being the third wheel. It's back now.

Actually, now both he and Drista are fifth wheels, since Auiak and Irene has a platonic marriage. It started off as a joke, but then branched off into a half-joke, half-serious... thing?

Not sure what's going on.

This is exactly why Leo questions life.


He would most definitely give the Hogwarts' food a 100000000+/10 if he was a food critic. How can one make such good chicken?!

Everyone can agree with that statement. Once they've tried it, that is.

Drista and Leo looked at each other, then at the couples, then back at each other again. In mutual agreement, they both left the table. (After finishing their food, of course. Who would turn down the beautifully delicious lemon dessert called Lemon Bar?)

Once they're out of earshot, Leo groaned, "I miss Calypso! The PDA is sooooo annoying."

Drista rolled her eyes, "Hey, if Calypso was here, you'd be clingy and affectionate too."

"Aye, si," Leo replied, grinning.

Drista stood there with a bored look on her face. Leo is such a lovesick fool. She could practically see the hearts in his eyes. What a simp.

The last thought made her snicker. Leo looked at her, confused. She shook her head, still smiling.

"Hey, let's go get Tommy," Drista suggested after she calmed. Somewhat calmed.

Leo blinked. Drista is literally always bothering Tommy. He'd feel bad for the boy if not for his confusion at Drista's behavior. Why does she do this? It's like Hera with Zeus's children, but much less extreme and way funnier. If Leo didn't know any better, he'd think she has a crush on Tommy. She's pretty sadistic sometimes... then she'd change and be all nice.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now