Chapter 10 - A Tense SMP

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Since today is my birthday, you all get to celebrate with an early update! It's also dramatic, so bonus points!

While Sam was away, Ponk was the temporary warden/guard of the Pandora's Vault. He wanted to help Sam, so he took the creeper hybrid's place.

Ponk found something, though. He found keycards. They cost him his arm.

Sam is becoming corrupt from being the warden. He is no longer the man Ponk was friends with.

Ponk is going to get the old Sam back. He will save Sam.

That's not the only thing, though.

Dream has been acting strange since he got back to the SMP. It scared Ponk to know that Dream still holds some kind of power over the SMP. No one admitted it, but just because the green man is locked up it doesn't mean that he has no power left.

The revival book is good leverage, definitely. Dream is also the admin, giving him even more power.

He has too much power. Way too much.


Technoblade was back at his cabin. Carl was right there along with Puffy.

"Techno!" Puffy exclaimed. "You're back!"

Techno smiled a little. "I am." He then questioned. "When did you get back? Is anyone else back?"

Puffy's expression turned grave. "Well, we're all back. There's a problem, though, multiple problems."

Techno checked his inventory. He needs to stock up on supplies.

"Alright. Wait a second." The piglin hybrid said as he went into his cabin for his chests. The chests were filled to the brim with resources.

As expected of the Blade. The voices whispered, amused.

Technoblade blocked them out best he could (which was hard, since they're literally in his brain) so that the voices weren't so loud and overwhelming. He often did this for the sake of his own sanity.

Then, suddenly, the voices' tune changed. They seemed to be on a different topic now. Techno still shut them out. He's more interested in what Puffy has to say than what the voices want to say.

The voices just got louder and became more urgent. Curious, Techno tuned in to their words.


Demigods are completing the prophecy soon.

Wonder what will happen next haha.


This is going to be cool. The Golden Trio, Ginny, Luna, and Neville are adding a nice twist.

Enderboi becomes messenger. From main character to messenger lol.

F in the chat for the innocent enderman killed by Annabeth.


Wait Percy is dying. F.


Noooo not Persassy!



Techno-sensei is so far away while his students are dying lol-

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