Chapter 24 (Unfinished) - Whatever This Was Lol Before I Decided To Abandon Fic

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The "Wanderers" (Samirah, Frank, Nico, Sadie, and Percy, y'know? They're the wandering questers) were now very lost after the events they had witnessed. Both mentally and physically.

"What should we do?" Samirah quietly piped up after a long while of silence.

Since the group was still a bit far from all the action at the time of the events, they weren't really bothered by anyone. The demigods' sensei had raced away quickly enough in a completely different direction and did not meet them at all. Now, they really had no idea what to do.

Then after this they meet sum ppl hopefully very chaotic ppl such as Revivedbur


Kinoko Kingdom again


Flaria's appearance to end the chapter (Uhh this was supposed to be a surprise and very cool ending and very mysterious... I'm so sorry Flaria....😭)


To be honest the reason why I suddenly have enough of a burst of motivation to update so much so fast is because of a Tubbo-centric Avengers crossover fic I read on ao3 called "The Child of Another World". The character interpretation and world building is pretty darn amazing and the quotes are really in the feels. Angst and feels I swear- some people just have so much power when given the chance to write. (lots of crack too tho its serious but has a totally different vibe from stuff like, say, Passerine)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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