Chapter 19 - Hm... New DSMP Members... Interesting

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Something is really, really wrong here.

Nico has a really bad feeling about this... red.... thing? Whatever it is, it's not good.

"Percy, Neville, let's get out of here," he suggested, "we need to find our friends."

Bad's smile seemed to waver a little, "Leaving? Why would you do that? How about you stay here next to the Egg for a while first?" He walked closer to the questers. "There is no need to fear. The Egg will welcome you."

Percy was still staring at the "Egg". His hand twitched, as if he was thinking about touching it. Neville was next to the Egg, his eyes shut. A strangled noise came out of his throat and he stared intently at the Egg.

"I..." Neville mumbled, "Maybe we should stay."

BBH nodded, smiling, agreeing, "Yes. You should stay. The Egg is beautiful, isn't it?"

Percy took a step towards the Egg, eyes fixed on the crimson oval in front of him.

"Percy, come back," Nico urged, "Percy!"

"What's wrong, Nico?" Bad's voice rang out. "It's okay. You two can both come up and meet the Egg. Trust the Egg."

Nico tugged on Percy's arm, dragging him back. "Explain this "Egg" first."

He finally recalled why he's so cautious. Captain Puffy had once talked about an "Egg" in hushed tones.

"You seemed distressed," Nico remarked. In his therapy sessions with Puffy, it was usually the other way around. With her comforting him instead of this. But today, she seemed particularly stressed.

"The Egg... nevermind," She sighed, "Don't worry about it, Nico. It's something about Bad. If you're lucky you'll never need to know about it." A smile formed on her face. Not strained, not fake, a genuine smile, because she truly cares about others. Especially the children who've been through too much and needs healing. "How have you been?"

That's... about everything Nico knows. But Puffy's tone and face when she talked about the Egg... he can never forget it. She had always seemed so positive and calm, but in that moment, her voice cracked. Her happiness dissipated, sucked away like how the shadows could've swallowed Nico when he was delivering the Athena Parthenos. The kind, intelligent captain, turned into a distressed girl, looking for a friend who's already lost.

Just that was enough to tell Nico everything.

The Egg cannot be trusted and neither can Bad.

Bad was always so wholesome and nice. Always helping, lending shadow powers, saving Nico, giving Nico his aura to replenish the son of Hades's energy.

But this is not him.

Nico didn't know how he knew. It was like an instinct. A demigod instinct. Maybe it was Bad's aura. His clothes. His smile. The place. Nico didn't know why he couldn't trust this. He just didn't. Not at all.

"Nico?" Percy sounded confused. Nico stared straight at the shadow demon, who's beginning to look irritated.

Despite his annoyance, his voice remained cheerful. "You see, the Egg is a great thing. It can grant you anything you desire."

"Anything you desire?" Percy seemed alarmed.

He's starting to see that something is going on here. Nico can tell. Good. We both have enough experience to know that something like this is not trustworthy.

The two demigods exchanged a look.

He's always trusted his instincts. They've never let him down.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now