Chapter 5 - The Sorting

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"This is Hagrid." Harry said. He noticed that the demigods seemed uncomfortable with Hagrid. The Gryffindor decided to ignore that for now and keep talking. Pushing boundaries is not something he was about to do. "Since this is your first year here, you're going with him and the other first years in the boats."

Hagrid waved. "Yer' the prophecy people, huh? C'mer. We'll be a' Hogwarts soon." The Golden Trio waved the others goodbye and they split up.

Looking at all the eleven years olds way younger than them, Percy muttered, "I feel old."

Techno sighed, "I hate children." Wilbur, Leo, and Percy snickered.

They all aboard the boats. The second they were all seated, the boat started to row towards the castle all on its own.

"These boats are probably enchanted." Annabeth stated the obvious. "I wonder what type of magic they use to conceal this whole castle. It's pretty hard to miss." She continued. "Is it related to the Mist?"

"We can ask them later," Piper replied, giving her friend a small smile. She was distracted, however, by the even more beautiful view of Hogwarts up close.

The huge stone castle looked midnight blue in the night. The night air was fresh and chilly, adding effect to the castle's aesthetic. Golden light could be seen pouring out from the windows, leaving no doubt that the inside was cozy and bright.

The boats reached shore. Everyone climbed out and started towards the inside of the castle. The Great Hall was huge and there were students milling about. When they entered the room, all the noise died down. Everyone was looking at the non-wizards.

McGonagall stood up from her seat — the headmaster's/headmistress's seat. "Welcome to Hogwarts." She announced. "I hope that you will all have a wonderful school year here at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardy. The staff sitting at the head table are your teachers. There are also a few rules. One, do not go into the Black Forest..."

The demigods (not including Frank) zoned out after that. ADHD can really mess with people's attention span. Then, as the conversation was about to end, Percy caught a few sentences.

"Now, the Sorting Hat will sort you into your respective houses. First years and the visitors please come to the front. Your names will be called one by one." McGonagall declared.

The students started whispering among themselves, all curious about which houses the newcomers will end up in. The said people watched the process of the sorting as each first year was called. The hat was placed onto their heads and moments later the hat will call out a house's name. Some took longer than others, some took only a second.

"Now, Jason Grace!"

Jason walked up to the front hesitantly. He sat down on the stool and the hat was placed on his head.


There were many surprised looks on the wizards'/witches' faces. Jason left the stool and went to sit at the Slytherin table uncomfortably.

Percy was sorted into Griffindor. Nico was sorted into Griffindor as well. Hazel was sorted into Hufflepuff. Annabeth was sorted into Ravenclaw. Frank was sorted into Hufflepuff. Leo was sorted into Slytherin. Piper was sorted into Slytherin. Bad was sorted into Hufflepuff. Drista was sorted into Slytherin. Ranboo was sorted into Hufflepuff. Tommy was sorted into Gryffindor. Techno was sorted into Ravenclaw. Wilbur was sorted into Slytherin.

(Notice the order the demigods were called? It's in the order of the Olympians' hierarchy. The big three first, and then the rest. The SMPers were in alphabetical order. Just a little Easter egg for you all 😉)

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