Chapter 3 - The Wizarding World

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"What is this?!" Piper exclaimed, looking at the place behind the brick wall in awe. "This place..."

Everyone was looking around at the area. There were wizardy things everywhere. Many things were levitating and making strange sounds. Most people wore robes and hats, like witches and wizards in folktales.

"Before you explore, we need to go to Gringotts Wizarding Bank first." Ron told them.

"Wait- what?" Nico asked, now very confused.

Hermione begun. "Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The bank for wizards and witches. It was first created by-"

Ron stopped her. "Hermione, I love you and all, but we don't need a history lesson." Hermione reluctantly shut up.

Ranboo held back his laughter. "You and Annabeth would get along." The two girls awkwardly stared at one another.

Percy nodded, laughing. "Oh, I remember. Annabeth would start ranting about history and facts whenever we go to a museum or somewhere."

"Uhm... not to ruin the moment, but are we going or not?" Jason asked.

"Oh, yeah," Harry replied. The three wizards led the others towards the bank. Many people shot curious looks at them. Piper noticed that many were looking at the wizard trio in awe or blushing at them.

Maybe they're special? Piper theorized. Maybe they're celebrities here. That could be the reason McGonagall sent them to us. If she sends influential people, the wizarding world could be able to bond with ours more easily. If so, it's a smart act on her part.

"We're here." Hermione announced. "Also, don't freak out. The goblins won't hurt you."

"What?!" Hazel exclaimed, bewildered. The demigods and SMPers were in shock. Goblins?!

They all walked in. Just as Hermione said, there were goblins. Unlike normal monsters, these goblins made no move to attack. So after a while, everyone relaxed, even just a little.

"So to get wizarding currency — for you guys — you can trade muggle cash, "Hermione told them, "Muggles mean 'non-magical people'. In wizarding currency, there are 17 Sickles in a Galleon and 29 Knuts in a Sickle. It might be a bit confusing but you just kind of have to get used to it."

"I have a question. Do they accept things other than mor- muggle cash?" Bad questioned.

The trio looked confused. "Well... depends on what you mean by 'other things'." Harry answered, confused.

Something flashed in Techno's hand. When the light died down, there was a tiny ender chest there. He placed the chest down and it expanded to full size.

"What- uh-" Hermione sputtered, looking at the chest, then back at Techno again. "How did you do that?!" All the wizards were in shock.

Techno shrugged. He opened the chest. It seemed empty to everyone else, but not to Techno. Then, the piglin hybrid pulled out a solid gold block.

Frank whispered, "We have no idea how it works either. Minecrafters are strange sometimes."

The goblin accepted the gold block. Then, just to flex, Ranboo added some gold, too. The two grinned at each other.

"O... kay..." Ron slowly said, coming back to his senses. He had been gaping at the demigods, gold, and SMPers, especially Techno and Ranboo. His friends were equally stunned. At this fact, Techno smiled wider. Ever since he found out Minecraft physics don't work in this world he had been using his Minecraft physics to make people shocked. It's one of his hobbies, actually.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now