Chapter 17 - E

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Carter was just about to eat his breakfast with the rest of Brooklyn House's members when his sister rushed into the room, putting on her black leather jacket at the same time. She had tired herself out yesterday with spells, so no one woke her when she was late for breakfast.

Sadie's hair — caramel colored with bright purple streaks dyed as highlights — was only slightly brushed. She seemed like she was in a hurry for something really urgent.

"CARTER!" Sadie stopped at his seat. Everyone was staring at her because this is the first time since the war (and that one time they lost Philip) that Sadie had been so panicked.

"I need to tell you something. This is important!" Sadie pulled Carter out of his seat. "And because I wanted to ruin your breakfast."

Carter barely had time to react, "Sadie what- OW hey!"

Sadie rolled her eyes. "Don't be such a wimp, Carter. Come on, brother dear."

"What is it?" Carter asked, rubbing his arm where Sadie pulled — she probably dislocated his shoulder — as he rushed after his sister. He could feel the stares of everyone else in the room on them as they exited, their confused whispers growing behind them.

The two magicians ended up in the younger's room. Before Carter could even ask about the fuss, Sadie launched into telling him.

"My Ba traveled last night," She explained, "I saw some very bad things that we should check out, but we also need to do this on our own. No one else. We can't even tell anyone what we're doing."

Carter began, now extremely confused, "But why-"

Sadie cut him off, "It involves Annabeth and Percy."

Carter fell silent with shock and worry. "What did you see? Tell me everything."


Sadie's Ba had just floated out of her body. She let it travel to a vision and landed in an unfamiliar place. Red clouded her vision — well, it's not like she had eyes, since the Ba is literally her soul and very much transparent, but still... — and she realized that there were red vines literally everywhere. Lava and other crimson-colored things were everywhere.

In a corner of the vast room, there was a huge oval-shaped crimson thing. It looked like an Egg. Percy and four other unfamiliar people stood there.

"Join us," a hooded figure offered, holding out a hand to Percy. "The Egg will..."

Before Sadie could investigate more, she was whisked away. She flew over a bunch of structures, climates, and animals that she didn't recognize. The geography was really strange. She didn't get to observe anything, though, since the traveling only took about a few seconds worth of time. Sadie stopped at a rainbow castle and phased inside. Annabeth and two other people were talking to a crowned person who seems like a royal of some sort.

"Sensei is in prison?!" Annabeth stood up, alarmed, "Why?!"

The one they were talking to replied, "Because he is the most likely person to break Dream out of prison. So he was locked in. I..."

The voices got fainter and the scene started to fade. Sadie knew that she was waking up soon.

But I want to know what's happening! I'd only see a vision if it's important! Sadie thought as she tried to make her Ba linger. The atmosphere in the vision's scene was grave. Like a cloud of bad news has just settled over everyone. Heck, it was influencing Sadie's emotions!

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now