Chapter 22 - Witnessing

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Ron, Annabeth, and Luna have agreed to go to Kinoko Kingdom. It was the closest kingdom/country/nation/organization/gathering/placewithlotsofmemebers nearby. (Yes, I studied DSMP geography for this) Except for Antfrost's Animal Sanctuary, but since he's part of the Eggpire, it's best to not go there.

Eret gave them some directions and the trio set off, slowly advancing away and making sure to not trespass on Antfrost's place. Eret may not be on good terms with Kinoko, but they didn't hate the kingdom. The questers as of right now should be a neutral presence, so there should be no problems even if SMPers sent them off. Relatively.


Percy, Nico, Frank, Samirah, and Sadie had been blindly traveling for a while now. They left behind the crater and started towards some scattered structures in the distance. They passed a modern-ish building that was made with dark oak and red colors. The inside was much like a hotel. Inside, surprisingly, there was a Sam Nook. Probably the original. None of them knew how to deal with robots, since there was the absence of Leo, so they could only move on. At this point, they were both tired and hungry.

Suddenly, a strange scene played out in front of them. They were at a beach and a strange, huge, imposing, dark structure loomed in the background. Many people were at the scene, several they didn't recognize, but also many they did. Technoblade, the Blood God himself. Dream, running around and clashing with others. Sam, holding a trident to Ranboo. A man with a bandana that Percy and Nico both remembered from the Titan War was present as well. Strangely, he was attacking Dream with a fury none of them had ever seen on the man.

"SAM YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG HOSTAGE!" Techno dodged a strike from the people surrounding him. He was desperately reaching out to the enderman hybrid, but seemingly also afraid to get closer.

"TECHNO LET'S GO! LET'S GO LET'S GO!" Dream's voice rose, but Techno ignored him completely.

The place was chaos. Everyone was running, and fighting, and dodging, and yelling. The questers stopped, both confused and a bit afraid to have to deal with the new scene. Not only are they hungry and tired, they've already been through too much in their own universe. Enough is enough. Until they understand the situation, there is no reason they should step in.


Without warning, the trident in Sam's hand was suddenly sticking out of Ranboo's chest. Red and green blood trailed down the enderman's clothes, tinted with purple and a smell of iron. The creeper hybrid behind Ranboo pulled out the trident forcefully but nonchalantly, as if he didn't just do what he did.

The demigods' brains were going into short circuit. Sam and Ranboo. That was Sam who just did that. Sam just stabbed Ranboo. Ranboo, the kind but also protective friend of theirs. Sam, the one who protected all of them including Ranboo and helped them whenever. Their friends. Kind, friendly people that fought alongside them in the wars.

But the same Sam had just pulled his trident on Ranboo, killing him instantly. Holding him hostage. Stabbing him, a minor he was going to "protect".

What a lie.

It felt like a stab in the gut. A stab to the heart, like what Ranboo just received. It felt like a betrayal. One that shocked their entire beings and made them shudder. It was as if Luke all over again.

How did everything turn out like this?

What happened?

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