Chapter 20 - The Return Of The Endernappers & Factions Exist

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After Alex and Magnus had journeyed into the alley, they were taken by some strange creatures. The creatures were tall and slender with glowing purple eyes and smooth, black skin. Actually black as in the color, not racist black. One carried... wait, is that a block of dirt with grass on it??

....what is life.

They were in an underground chamber of some sort. It was dark, but the two managed. They traveled past empty chests, zombies and other undead like skeletons, metal bars, spiders as big as half of a person, and stone chambers that were pretty much empty. After going past a few stairs, they found the only bright room.

There was a portal of come sort there, glowing eerily black and green with white-yellow flecks within.

"Looks like someone was already here," Alex remarked.

Magnus peered into the depths of the inky black mist. "I've never heard of something like this."

Alex agreed, "Me neither. I'm not sure if this is related to Ragnorak or not."

Before Magnus could say anything, Alex had dipped her hand into the portal. Yes, she had changed into a girl a little bit before the two had found this room. The portal sucked her in, but Alex didn't resist at all.


And so Magnus jumped in after her.

Whatever was waiting for them on the other side, there's no way he's going to let her face it alone.


...That did not go according to plan.

Magnus and Alex were not sent to the same place, seeing that she wasn't anywhere in his line of sight. All Magnus could see are huge, black pillars and the dark void for a sky. The harsh sandstone-colored ground looked almost space like. But no Alex. Only the creatures that had kidnapped them and a pillar in the center of it all.

After a while of hesitation, he cautiously traveled towards the center. His guard was up, but no enderman tried to attack him. When he reached his destination, he saw that there was another portal. It was the same color as the one he traveled through, but a different location and shape.

Standing at the edge of the obsidian, he had a few doubts. He looked around him, meeting eyes with a few of the dark creatures. Suddenly, without warning, they were upon him. Snarls and shrieks filled his eardrums. In a panic, Magnus jumped into the portal.


"Percy!" Sadie suddenly yelled. Her two companions within the crater followed her gaze. There he is. The said demigod and Nico Di Angelo stood at the edge of the crater, gaping in disbelief.

"Percy!" Frank started up the mountain, the two girls following. The two Greeks worked their way through the debris to meet them.

Nico looked more than just a little concerned. "What is... what is all of this?" He gestured to the destruction upon the land, which is literally everything within the radius of a quarter of a mile from them.

"We don't know..." Frank replied. "Also, this is Sadie and Samirah. She-" he pointed at Sadie, "-claims to know you?" He looked to Percy for confirmation.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now