Chapter 11 - "Nice To Meet You"

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"I think we can stop to rest over there," Ron informed, "There is a wizards' hotel over there, I'm sure."

The questers left the bus and went towards the hotel. Then, three familiar people caught their eyes.

"Malfoy?!" Harry said, shocked.

"Potter?!" The Slytherin exclaimed in reply. "What are you doing here?!"

Ron folded his arms. "We should be asking that to you. Skipping school, are you?"

Draco scoffed. "We're here because we have permission to be. Skipping school isn't something I'd do. It's more like something you dumb Gryffindors do."

"Permission? Why would you have permission?" Percy questioned, quickly getting confused.

"That's none of your business." Blaise answered with a huff.

Luna watched everything unfold before speaking up. "Hello."

Harry asked his Ravenclaw friend, "What are you doing with them?"

"I'm not with them." Luna answered nonchalantly. "I just happened to be standing here."

Suddenly, Piper had a thought. "Hold on, were you three traveling east?" She questioned.

Luna raised an eyebrow curiously and replied, "Yes, why?"

Everything clicked together in Annabeth's brain. "The prophecy never said that the six wizards had to travel together. When we traveled, we were missing three people." She said slowly. The questers came to realization and stared at the three people before them.

"What?" Draco demanded. After a long moment of silence, he continued. "Well?"


Good news: The questers successfully explained everything to the three.

Bad news: The Slytherins don't seem keen on helping. Also, the Gryffindors (wizards + witches) and Slytherins hate each other. The old rivalry continues.

"Why should we help you?" Blaise asked. "We have no reason to."

Percy sighed. "Because of the prophecy. If you mess with a prophecy, things will be bad for everyone. So, it's better if we just follow the prophecy and let it play out."

Draco held back a laugh. "Prophecies don't need to be fulfilled. Plus, how do you know we are the ones in the prophecy and that this prophecy doesn't happen years later?"

"Maybe because we're all here?" Hermione answered, glaring. "Stop being difficult."

As the Gryffindors and Slytherins glared at one another, Jason tried to stop the conflict. "Guys calm down! We need to work together and overcome our problems with one another. The prophecy is more important!" He tried.

After a long while, everyone finally calmed down enough. "Fine, then. We'll join you." Draco finally decided. "Not because we want to."

"Yeah, yeah." Ron spoke, annoyed. "We don't want you here either."

"Good," Blaise replied, "Let it stay that way."

Three people had been added to the party.


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