Chapter 23 - "What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger"

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"You suck," Dream grinned.

Techno glared at his archenemy but didn't say anything. He got up from the floor of the training grounds, knowing that he would beat Dream in a fight later. Techno has started learning under their sensei after Dream had been here for years, but this didn't prevent him from catching up to the masked boy. The blond teen was very mischievous and didn't train as much in combat as he did, preferring parkour challenges over PvP. The piglin hybrid, on the other hand, was not a huge fan of parkour. He would rather spar.

The two rivals' swords crashed together and metallic thuds rang out in the training grounds again and again. FB had told his pink-haired disciple that he would be able to start learning how to use another weapon after he became familiar with the sword, Techno's first weapon choice. Techno didn't complain. It makes sense and he doesn't think he can handle learning another weapon.

Techno's sword was knocked out of his hands. However, a second later, Dream's weapon also fell to the ground with a clang. The dreamon huffed, annoyed at the outcome. Before either blade could be returned to its owners' grips, however, a quiet snicker made their heads snap upward. A teen with long, blond hair wearing a simple tunic came into view. Their fellow disciple.

If Percy was here, he would've recognized the newcomer as the younger version of the blond woman he saw in his demigod dreams a while back.

"How's sparring?" She asked very nonchalantly.

"1:3. Two ties," Dream answered unhappily. Techno, of course, only won once. He hasn't been learning for too long, so winning even once against Dream, a seasoned fighter, is already pretty big of a thing. Dream is unhappy because of this. He only won thrice and had two ties. Sure, Techno had combat experience and been through life-or-death situations, but he was never specially trained til now.

Their senior chuckled. "Good job Tech! You've been getting better."

Techno only nodded in response. He was never much of a talker.


"Would you like to join Kinoko Kingdom?"

The question from Sapnap had completely caught Annabeth off guard. Even when not considering the fact that this offer was given to her, Sapnap was the one out of all people to invite her to their kingdom. If it was Karl talking, she might've been less surprised, but Sapnap?

The war-enthusiastic who burned her hair short during the Titan War. The one who cheered as the campers were pushed back. The one who sided with Dream with fierce loyalty and determination burning in his eyes. 

Now, these dark eyes only held emptiness. There was no intense fire burning within. He looked tired. 

"Look, I understand if you don't want to," the ravenette slowly stepped forward. His hair was falling a little over his face despite the constant bandana being tied around his head. 

Karl looked confused but kept quiet. It seems he didn't know of Sapnap's plans at all.

Sapnap continued, "I assure you that I am not your enemy. I know that we've been on different sides of war before, but things have changed since then. We have both changed." 

Annabeth understood that he did not mean physical changes or even, by a stretch, environmental changes. Something is different within them. Within the deepest parts of their persons. Something has changed.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now