Chapter 7 - Room Of Requirement

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"Great." Nico muttered. It was time for Care Of Magical Creatures. None of the critters wanted to be near him, since his aura of death must frighten them. He is probably going to fail the class.

Bad looked at him with sympathy. "Hey, it's okay. You're not the only one." BBH's shadow aura sun help him either. This made Nico felt a little better.

He's not alone. Not anymore.


Percy looked around to make sure that no one was watching. Then, he jumped into the Great Lake. (Alternatively known as the Black Lake)

Being the son of Poseidon, he enjoyed swimming a lot. It's a good thing for him that Hogwarts has a lake. Hogwarts is definitely his favorite school.

The water rushed by him. He easily swam through the water, fighting against the currents without having to try. He can also breathe water and have "night vision" under water, so nothing was hard for him.

He did hear that there we're mer-people down in the depths of the lake. Percy wanted to meet them out of sheer curiosity, but he held himself back. They might not want to see him.

Even so, he still found himself swimming deep inside the lake. He did have an encounter with some monsters, but he killed them with Riptide. Strangely, the monsters didn't turn into dust. It's probably a wizard thing.

Then, he saw them. The merfolk were swimming around in the water and communicating. They carried weapons and spears.

Percy waved. He wasn't sure what he should do. The merfolk seemed surprised to see him.

"Child of Poseidon." One said. Humans wouldn't have understood her — the mermaid who spoke was a she — but being the son of Poseidon, Percy had no problem.

"Uh, hi." Percy said.

They all stared at one another before Percy decided to ask about the monsters. "Why didn't the monsters down here turn into dust?"

The male answered him. "They are different from the ones that you face. They are not of Greek origin and neither are we. We are all of the wizarding world."

Percy blinked. "Oh. I... guess I'll go, then."

As he swam back towards the surface, he thought about the conversation.

At least the merfolk here weren't hostile to him. Percy didn't know what to think about the "wizarding world" monsters, though.

It's strange.


It has now been about two weeks in Hogwarts. Breakfast haven't started yet, but Nico had an idea. He gathered all the SMPers and demigods and told them something. "A few days ago, Harry, Hermione, and Ron told us about the D.A. — "Dumbledore's Army". Their meetings were in the Room Of Requirement. I was thinking maybe we can also use that room to talk about things." Nico explained as he led everyone towards the place.

"Good idea," Frank said, nodding. "We need a place like that."

So, they arrived at the place. It was merely a bare wall in the corridor with nothing around. They tried to make the room appear by thinking about what they would need while being around the wall.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now