Chapter 16 - Welcome To The Dream SMP (Land Of Trauma & Chaos)

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Luna, Annabeth, and Ron had been exploring the grand rainbow castle they landed in. All the halls were empty. They had quietly talked and discerned that everyone would probably be scattered across the SMP. So, their first move is to find out where exactly they are and get directions to find their friends. Perhaps meet some familiar faces.

There were footsteps up ahead. Annabeth put a finger up to her lip. Her comrades nodded, staying quiet. The sound of footsteps was getting closer. Ron and Luna readied their wands as Annabeth held her knife in a defensive position.

A figure emerged from behind the wall.

A familiar face.

"Eret?!" Annabeth exclaimed.

At last.

Ron looked at Annabeth, his eyes wide, "Huh? You know this guy?" He gestured to the brunette newcomer.

Eret was wearing a kingly outfit (medieval) with a golden crown shining atop his head.

"Annabeth?" Eret did not seem as surprised as he should be when three people, two unknown to him, just randomly popped into his castle.

"Eret, can you tell us what us going on and where we are?" Annabeth asked. "Also, these are my friends-" are we friends? Should I have said allies instead? "-Luna and Ron. We're on a quest, actually."

Eret gave a nod. "I think you need to catch me up on this place." Annabeth said.

"Let's not talk in the hall. Come with me." Eret suggested with a hint of worry. "You..." Eret hesitated, "...will definitely need to catch up on the DSMP lore." His tone was quiet and down, a side of Eret that Annabeth has never seen before.

The blond demigod gestured to her allies to follow them. She traced Eret's steps as they walked through the magnificent hallways.

"Did something happen, Eret?" Annabeth asked worriedly. "Are we in the SMP, since you mentioned this "DSMP lore" thing?"

Ron chimed in, now completely confused, "Wait, wait, back up. What are you even talking about?"

Eret started to explain the basics while Annabeth added on once in a while. Luna didn't talk much about this all. With her dreamy voice, she mostly spoke about "divylons" or some other thing no one understood. Like the narwon. Typical Luna. She didn't seem that shocked or scared about being in an unknown place.

A cat sat in the shadows of a room, his golden eyes following the four as they walked. His dark coat kept him well hidden from prying eyes.

A bottle of blood spilled onto the pages.

A bottle of blood spilled onto the pages

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"Agh! Dang it!"


"I have to re-write now, don't I?"

The blood slowly fades, until the whole book is clean and dry again. No trace of what had happened can be seen on the pages.

Words started appearing on the pages on their own, without any form of writing tool.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now