Chapter 4 - Hogwarts Express

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"So we've got the wands, books, and the robes." Hermione counted. "If you want a pet, you can get one. If not, then don't. It's not required." She told the others as everyone stopped in front a pet shop. A wizard pet shop.

Once Percy saw the owls, he backed away. "I'll just wait here..."

Annabeth laughed at this. She entered the pet store. After a while, she emerged with an owl perched on her arm.

"Say hello to Greyfeathers, Percy." She smirked. The owl was grey with midnight blue-black eyes.

Percy shook his head. "They always try to attack me." He grumbled.

Frank also got a owl. Its feathers were a soft golden brown and it had dark red-brown eyes. Leo gave him a mischievous look. "Why get an owl when you can be one?"

"What?" Harry asked, his tone full of surprise.

Frank sighed, waving Leo away. "We'll tell you later."

Meanwhile, Techno and Tommy were staying far away from one another. They've made an agreement to not attack each other in this world, but tension is still high between them. Ever since the "betrayal", they had hated each other.

Harry pretended to not notice, but he mentally noted to find out more about that if he can. It could be dangerous to bring strangers into Hogwarts, though the was curious about them. "Now that you all have your things, we should be going to the Hogwarts Express to go to Hogwarts. We can explain more during the ride."

Everyone agreed. So, they all went towards the train station with their tickets.

"Platform nine and three quarters?" Annabeth asked, confused. "But that doesn't exist."

The Golden Trio gave her a "you'll-see" look and led them towards... a wall.

"Ron, can you demonstrate?" Hermione asked. Ron nodded. He went in front of the wall and ran towards it. Everyone was expecting him to crash into the wall, but instead, he ran into it. Literally. The redhead disappeared.

"What..." Leo stared at the wall, shocked. "What was that?!"

Harry and Hermione just smiled. "You can try, too. It should work." Hermione suggested, though a bit unsure about the last sentence. Percy volunteered. He ran towards the wall and went straight through.

One by one, each of them went through the wall. As Harry — the last one through — finally came out, he found everyone looking around at the place.

"I know it doesn't seem very wizardy, but the train and Hogwarts won't disappoint." Harry said, giving them a smile. "Welcome to the Hogwarts Express."

"So are they all wizards and witches, then?" Techno asked, gesturing to everyone around. The Minecrafters had the privilege of storing things in their inventory, so he and Bad didn't carry anything. (Lucky them)

Hermione nodded in answer. "Yup."

Then a blond boy caught Ron's eye. "Oh, yeah, before we go into Hogwarts, I'll tell you about who you should never mingle with. Malfoy." He scoffed at the blond.

"Why not?" Bad asked.

Hermione sighed, sending Malfoy a look of distaste. "We'll tell you on the train. Also, you might want to stop calling people by their first names. Our cultures are different, I guess. Unless you are family or a close friend, you don't call others by their first names." She informed.

Everyone else stored that information away. Everything was different and complicated, but they can deal with it, right?

"Oh, here comes the train," Harry said. They all turned towards the red and black vehicle.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now