Update 5: WHERE WAS I????!!

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tl;dr at the bottom

Wow, that 'week' sure did fly by right guys?

Ok in all honesty, I've been extremely busy and I've got big news for you guys. If you've read any of my previous updates you know that I work multiple jobs. Well I was doing that because I had to save up for something big. That something was......

Moving to Korea!!

That's right I'm officially living in Korea, and have been here for the past 2 and a half months now! I'm working as an English teacher and loving it!

So yeah I've been a little busy and haven't had as much time to write.

BUT! I did promise I was going to finish this series, doesn't matter if I'm 80 years old, I want to finish this.

Also I went back and changed the main character to be gender neutral. If this were a real book that I was going to publish I probably would just make it a guy since that was my original plan, but I'm just doing this as a hobby, and if it can immerse more people then I really don't see the harm in making this change. I hope you all the girls can now feel immersed into the story as well!

Finally, for the millionth time: THANK YOU! Thank you for all the support and comments and reads you guys have given me. This seriously just started out as 5 chapters that I was going to just let be out there because I was bored one night, but you all have given it so much love and blew it up to numbers I never even dreamed about, especially with this being my first story and all. So just truly, thank you for everything.

Tl;dr - I moved to Korea as an English teacher, so I've been a little busy but want to get back to writing and finishing the story

Anyways, enough rambling for me. Enjoy Chapter 40!

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