Chapter 38

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Date: December 19th 2017

Time: 13:42

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

12 days. That's how long I have until we leave for New York City.

12 days to come up with a plan.

12 days to make sure the girls survive this trip.

There are 2 main things I need to worry about. The first is finding out which family in New York is working with the Yakuza, and thinking back to that night in Osaka with the weapons deal combined with what the guy from the triad told me



Date: December 17th 2017

Time: 14:47

Location: Osaka, Japan

Perspective: Y/N

"All I know is that they wanted the weapons so they could be prepared for some event they said they were storming to 'send a message' or something"

"What's the event?" I ask

"I swear I don't know" he says back

I start to get angry and he starts to get scared again

"But!" he quickly responds "I do know it's somewhere in America"


Present Day

It's safe to say who ever's waiting for us in America, is heavily armed and ready for us.

The second thing I need to worry about is finding a way to actually convince the mafia to not only stay off Twice's backs but also help me keep the Yakuza off their backs too... at least for a short while.

Well this should be totally easy and not at all end in disaster...

I sigh.

There's no way I can do this on my own, I can't protect the girls and negotiate with the mafia at the same time. I'm gonna need to call in backup... the problem is the only people that I know living in New York are people who aren't spies or soldiers or bodyguards like me. But they might have something even better...

"I have no choice, I have to call her" I say as I take my phone out

I dial the number that was given to me almost 3 years ago. I don't even know if she'll remember me, fingers crossed though.


Date: December 19th 2017

Time: 14:20

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Myoui Mina

I've been standing in front of Y/N's door for at least 10 minutes now. I'm starting to feel anxious, I guess I'm just afraid (he's/she's) gonna be weirded out when I ask (him/her).

"I can do this" I whisper to myself

I take a deep breath and then go for the door handle. But before I can even touch it, the handle starts to turn and the door opens. I flinch back

"Oh Mina" Y/N says coming out of the room "Sorry, I didn't know you were there"

I'm flustered so I can't even say anything at first.

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