Chapter 9

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Date: December 1st 2017

Time: 20:37

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

After a couple of hours, I finished unpacking all of the boxes. All except for one. It was secured with the toughest tape that could be bought. I was relieved nothing exploded when Sana tried to lift it earlier. With a pair of scissors in hand, I carefully sliced through the tape and found a titanium briefcase inside. Placing my thumb on the scanner, the case clicked open and revealed a collection of some of the gadgets and tools that I had accumulated during my time at the agency. It wasn't much, but it was all I could persuade the Director to let me keep. Truthfully, I only wanted to keep them for extreme emergencies as well as, mainly, for sentimental reasons. I never imagined I'd be needing them again so soon.

"I've got to find a place to stash these," I mutter to myself, eyeing the contents of the briefcase.

The ideal place would be some sort of hidden compartment, perhaps inside the closet. I knew I'd need more time to get that going however. So until then I decided the briefcase would be a good temporary solution. I stuffed it far into the back of my closet and threw some clothes over it.

"Alright then" I said closing the closet door "Let's go see what's for dinner"

As I approached the door, I heard faint footsteps on the other side. I stopped in my tracks to listen closer. They sounded like they were running away from my room. It's almost as if someone had been listening on the other side of the door.

I strolled down the hallway towards the living room and spotted the girls gathered around the large couch, giggling and chatting about something.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. "So for dinner-"

"Don't worry," Momo interrupted, a playful grin on her face. "We've already taken care of it."

"Are you sure?" I glanced toward the kitchen. "I don't mind cooking for everyone."

Jihyo walked over to me, a warm smile on her face. "That's very sweet of you, but we wanted your first night here to be relaxing. Come on, sit with us. We ordered pizza since we didn't know what you liked, and figured that was a safe bet."

Jihyo led me over to the couch and gestured for me to sit between Chaeyoung and Mina. Chaeyoung eagerly pulled me down next to her, making me blush slightly, though I couldn't quite understand why.

"Y/N" Sana says, her lips pursed as she lets out a deep sigh. "If you start to feel a bit crowded over there, you can always come sit next to me. I promise I won't bite... unless you want me to." Sana's lips curled upwards, revealing a mischievous spark in her eyes. I blushed even harder.

A few minutes or so went by until the pizza arrived. As we ate, they told me about themselves; how they came together as a group, how their lives have changed since becoming idols. The way they described the training process of it all sounded quite rough and cutthroat if I'm being honest. In some ways, it reminded me of my days back at the C.A.M.P.

"So what about you Y/N?" Jeongyeon asked me.

"What about me?" I ask back, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, we don't really know much about you yet, '' she replies. Some of the girls lean in a bit closer. I knew this conversation was going to come eventually, I just didn't expect it to be now.

"Like for example," Jeongyeon continues "What was your last job like?"

As much as I wanted to be truthful with the girls, I knew that I couldn't risk their safety. It wasn't just about keeping them protected from external threats, but also from the potential shock and confusion that might come from knowing my past. Either way, JYP made it clear that this was the best way to ensure their safety. And let's be honest, I wasn't eager to have the US government breathing down my neck for revealing classified information. It's better to keep my lips sealed and my mind focused on the task at hand.

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