Chapter 40

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Date: December 31st 2017

Time: 07:12

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

This is it.

The day has finally arrived. The day the girls and I head straight into the lion's den. When we arrive in the US... an army will be ready to take us on, more specifically, me.

I have a plan, but honestly I don't if it'll succeed. All I can hope is that the pieces I set into place execute themselves perfectly.

For the first time, in a very long time, I'm scared.

Not of death, that I haven't feared since I was 6, but now I have so much more to lose. 9 very special people... a family. I can't- I won't lose another.

I must win.

I look down at my dresser and see my earpiece for my mask. As I pick it up, I close my eyes and take a deep breath in "Please, give me strength you two"

I put the earpiece behind my ear and head on out to the main living room. I see the girls all waiting on the couch, everyone's luggage piled near the front door including mine. All that's left to do now is go to the airport and fly to America.

Chaeyoung turns around and sees me, she smiles "Hey Y/N!" All the other girls turn towards me "You ready to go?"

This is it.

"Yeah! Let's head out" I said while giving a fake smile back

This next battle will determine whether or not I can finally beat the Kazuma family once and for all.


Date: December 31st 2017

Time: 13:43

Location: New York City, USA

Perspective: Y/N

As we landed into New York I couldn't help but think of the last time I was here. Seems like ages ago, but was no more than a little over a year. The girls were all extremely jetlagged, in fact Mina was so tired she needed me to carry her.

Of course, as soon as we got to customs I had to set her down, if any of the paparazzi got pictures of me carrying her they'd publish a story saying how Mina has a "secret lover" and JYP would kill me... and so would Sana.

As we reached customs an agent greeted us saying "Good afternoon, I know you all are probably very jet lagged so we'll try to get you through as quick as possible"

In reality, I actually knew the man and had planned for him to be here. I saved him and his family's life last year. I rescued them from a burning building and ever since then he's been my go to guy when I need to get some "questionable" gear past airport security.

We got our luggage from baggage claim and then all piled into the cars that were prepared for us. I was riding with Chaeyoung, Nayeon, Mina, and Jihyo. Mina fell fast asleep as soon as she got in the car, but the rest of the girls were looking at the Manhattan skyline, seemingly amazed by it. Jihyo turned to me and asked "So, what's it like to be back here? Must bring back memories right?"

I probably had a quick look of like I was back in Vietnam or something, because Chaeyoung looked at me worried after Jihyo said that. I quickly responded with "Yeah, fun memories" then winked at Chaeyoung. I don't need her worrying about what happened to me in the past, it can't be changed anyways. What I need to do now is focus on the future. "So" I said to the girls "What about you girls? How are you feeling about finally being here? In America?"

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