Chapter 2

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Date: November 29th 2017

Time: 19:03

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

"Tzuyu? Well, nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" I replied back to her.

Her head perks up while her eyes widen and shift to the side. She wipes her eyes again with her sleeve and stutters out "Wait, you- you aren't..."

She pauses, looking at me as if I'm the one who has to finish the sentence. Was she actually expecting someone specific? Or is she just in shock from everything that happened?

I inch towards her "Um.. are you ok?"

"You don't know who I am?" she asks, still looking to the side.

Maybe she really was waiting for someone. Or is it possible she knows me? From the agency? No, I don't think so. She has a distinct look about her, one that I surely would have remembered. Her hair was as black as the night sky, seemingly blending in with the darkness that engulfed the alleyway. While her eyes seemed like they were gentle and caring, soft brown eyes that didn't make one feel like they were being judged. Her posture was something to notice as well, standing up straight and strong. Only falling a few inches shorter than me, someone who was just shy of six feet.

I noticed that I was starting to stare a bit too much and responded to her question "Sorry, I don't think I know who you are"

"Oh no, that's great!" she said, making immediate eye contact with me.

Great? Her personality seemed to do a 180. She was smiling almost ear to ear. How? After everything that just happened... has the realization of everything just not hit her yet? I think it's probably best if I walk with her for a little while.

"Well, the offer still stands, I'd be more than willing to walk you back home or wherever you're going" I say to her.

"Yes please, you seem to know your way around a fight so I'd feel a lot safer with you" she replies

"Alright then, let me just call the cops first then we can-

"NO!" Tzuyu blurts out, causing me to flinch back. "Please, no cops. The less attention, the better"

Something feels... off about this. What's with this girl? Before I can even retort she follows up with "I'm fine, really. They never even touched me, and I think you left a quite the impression on them"

Her face turns towards the other end of the alleyway. I notice one of the guys, stumbling out of the dumpster and limping his way over to his friend. He notices me and takes off.

"Please" Tzuyu says tugging on my arm "Let's just get out of here"

Not my ideal way of handling things, but this girl seems adamant on it. So I simply nodded back at her "Alright then, let's go"

We finally walked out of that alleyway.

We started walking towards Tzuyu's house, she was again adamant on taking the less crowded roads and everytime someone passed by she would put her head down and a face mask on. I didn't want to press her on any of it since she had already been through a lot tonight. But it did strike me as odd.

The strangest thing however, was that I kept finding myself glancing at her. It's weird, I've met my fair share of models and actors before, as an agent undercover. But no one ever caught my eye. She seemed... different from all of them, I can't really explain it, but I just got this feeling. A feeling of... authenticity.

"So..." I say, trying to break the silence. She turns her head towards me, I notice her eyes again. For the first time in a long time I actually hesitated when speaking "Uh- this might seem random, but your last name. It doesn't sound Korean."

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