Chapter 1

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Date: November 29th 2017

Time: 18:53

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

As I finished unpacking the last of my stuff in the apartment, I was reminded of the several times I had done this before. Being an agent meant you were almost guaranteed to be traveling from place to place. I've stayed in many old, worn down apartments in my time, just like this one. I got so good at moving I could pack up an entire place in under 2 hours.

This time though...

I spent the whole day getting everything all set-up. It's not like I even had that much stuff to begin with. Rather, I allowed my mind to finally do something I usually never could.

I remembered. I remembered the good times, what little it seemed like there were. I remembered the bad times, which I could recall plenty. I remembered the scary times, which... weren't as many as one might think. I remembered-

My eyes drifted to a photo I had just put down on the end table next to the couch. My body felt at ease. I had this weird feeling of wanting to cry and wanting to laugh. This picture is all I have left of them

The only two people who were my family. "I think you guys would've liked it here" I say, wiping my eyes with my shirt.

Putting the picture back in its place, I took a step back and looked at the fruits of my labor. This one bedroom, one bathroom 'castle' was all mine to enjoy. The aroma of the air freshener I had recently sprayed, to cover the musty smell I experienced first walking in, still lingered ever so slightly. It wasn't perfect, but in a way... it was perfect.

It was mine.

I smiled at that fact. Now I can finally relax. I fell onto my couch and a wave of exhaustion came upon me. I felt the sweat sticking to my shirt from all the unpacking and moving furniture around. I think even my mind was starting to get tired from all the 'remembering' I was doing earlier. I needed sleep.

Then I heard my stomach growl. I leaned my head back on the couch "Right, forgot to go grocery shopping" I mumbled. The only thing in my fridge at the moment was leftover fast food and maybe a bottle of ketchup.

"Ok let's go see what's close by" I get up from the couch, grab my keys, put on my jacket and head out.

After walking for a couple minutes in the dark back streets, I see a bright, green and white neon sign for a convenience store. My body is heavy and I can feel my eyes wanting to close. The only thing actually keeping me awake is the hunger. I figured here would be just fine.

As soon as I walk in I hear the cashier say in Korean "Oh, welcome-" she stops herself and quickly looks to the ground. She pretends to sort her inventory at her desk. I think she was just surprised to see a foreigner in this part of Seoul.

Either way I respond back in Korean "Thank you, I'm just looking for something to eat." Her face perks up and she flinches back. She praises me for being 'great' in Korean, and honestly I think she's just happy that I can understand her. She points to an aisle of ramen noodles and potato chips. I just pick the first thing I see and grab a bottle of water from the back.

As I walked back up to the front to pay for my stuff, I thought about what I should do for a job. I mean, I didn't come here to be a convenience store cashier, but I do need something soon. My funds will probably last me a month or two, if I'm frugal. What would I even be good at though?

That thought lingered in my mind as I walked out of the store with my bag of stuff. I cultivated a lot of skills being in the CIA, but what I was most comfortable with was being an agent. Maybe my talents would be best suited for some sort of-

"Please! Stop!" I heard a girl's voice say. All of a sudden a familiar sense came back to me. My once heavy body became light, my eyes no longer anywhere near being closed. As soon as I heard the noise I went to investigate. It was coming from the nearby alleyway up ahead.

I peered around the corner, but it was pitch black. Too dark to make out anything. I quietly moved up to hide behind a dumpster so I could get a better look. I saw two big guys towering over a girl who's almost curled into a ball on the ground. She's pressed herself up against the side of a building. It didn't look like anything good, that was for sure. The two of them were moving closer towards her. One of them said "If you stay quiet and don't move so much, then this will all be over soon, and we can all walk away unharmed"

I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm a magnet for these types of situations. But, even though I wanted to get away from the fighting, no way in hell was I just going to leave this girl to these two. I had to act fast.

I picked up a soda can I found on the ground and hurled it at one of the guys. It bashed against his face so hard that the can split into pieces, piercing his eye. He screamed "Ah shit! What the hell was that?!" They both turned towards the end of the alleyway to find me standing there.

His friend barked at me "Do you have a death wish or something?!" I merely replied back "Not really, just figured I'd take care of some wannabe thugs"

"Come here you little shit!" said the man, with a now blind eye. He sprinted towards me as fast as his legs could move- or at least that's what I assumed it looked like from his perspective. From mine, he just looked like he was merely going for a light jog.

As he reached closer he put his left hand up, aiming straight for my face. I just sighed. Why are so many people inexperienced when it comes to fighting? Is it because he's not thinking clearly? Maybe it's because he only has blood in his eyes... literally and metaphorically.

Either way, I dodge his attack, grab his arm, and use his momentum to swing him into the dumpster. Then, with one swift motion, I take his arm and slip it out of its socket. Before he has time to scream I push him into the dumpster head first.

"Oh man" I say while trying to push the smell away from me "I would hate to be your cellmate tonight". Speaking of which, at this point I've heard his friend's footsteps getting closer. I turn to see him no more than 3 feet in front of me. He has some sort of switchblade knife. Honestly though, sometimes people with weapons are easier to fight. If you know how to disarm them quick enough, they usually don't have a clue what to do next.

As the man thrusts at me with the knife, I simply step to the side of his attack. I sweep his legs causing him to lose control of the weapon. After falling to the ground I kick it away, and punch the thug in the ribs, which in turn creates a cracking sound. He screams out in pain before shortly passing out.

"Oops, probably should've pulled my punch there" I said to myself. I was only aiming to knock the wind out of him, not break anything. Well, then again considering what he was about to do to that girl I think-

Oh yeah! The girl! I almost forgot about her. I dashed over to her to see if she was injured. "Are you ok, miss?" I say while offering my hand to help her stand up?

She just sits there looking shell shocked, although it's still a little dark in the alleyway so I didn't notice at first glance. "I- I- thank you!" She latches on to my legs and I can feel the tears from her face.

I crouch down to her level and help her try to stand up. "I'm just glad you're ok, let me walk you home." She and I both get up from the ground as she wipes away her tears

"What's your name miss?" I asked her. As she stands, the light from the alleyway brightens up her face and I can finally get a clear look at her. She responds back "I'm Tzuyu, Chou Tzuyu"

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