Chapter 26

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a/n: hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while and it's mainly because my computer is broken right now so I've been writing this all on my phone which takes longer for me to write on. But once my computer is fixed I should be back to posting more regularly!

Date: December 14th 2017

Time: 10:07

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

After I got back from the ice cream shop with Dahyun, I called JYP and told him what I had learned about the Yakuza. I told him how I needed to go to Japan, preferably Osaka where the Kazuma family runs out of, in order to gain more information and stop them.

JYP told me he would arrange some things for me so I could go without raising suspicion. He said he would get back to me the following day.

I've just been constantly checking my phone for the past hour. So much that I knew I had to do something to get my mind off this. I left my room and went to the kitchen to make the girls breakfast.

As if almost on command, the second I started grilling bacon I heard a door open and someone say "Y/N! Are you making breakfast for us?!"

I turn around and see Momo looking at me so excited.

"Yeah" I say back to her

"Yes!!! What are you making today?" she said while sitting at the counter

"Oh this is a dish I learned from an italian chef I worked with. It's Apple Risotto... with bacon"

Momo almost seems to be drooling when I tell her about the food, I just chuckle and turn around to finish making it.

"So... how was your date with Dahyun yesterday?" Momo asks

I flinch and turn almost bright red after she says that

"Date? I don't know if I'd call it that?" I say back nervously

"Oh really? That's not what Dahyun said" Momo says causing me to get even more red in the face

I hear her giggle.

After splashing my face with cold water, I serve her breakfast and start making plates for all the other girls.

5 minutes later and Momo is going for seconds. It's a really good dish so I made seconds for everyone just in case... and thirds for Momo. As she goes to get her second plate, I see Tzuyu walk out.

"Hey Tzuyu you going somewhere?" I ask

"No" she said back to me

"Why did you put on make-up then?"

"Um... I didn't" Tzuyu replies back confused

I quickly turn around and immediately go back to being red in the face again

Oh my god! That's her bare face?

I hear Momo giggling again.

I splash my face with cold water again.

I serve Tzuyu breakfast and she says "Well actually now that I think about it, there is somewhere I do wanna go"

"Oh where's that?" Momo asks her

"I want to go shopping for some new shoes and some stuff for Gucci" Tzuyu says

Gucci. Her dog's name but also, the password she gave me to get into the club that night. The night that I found out she wasn't just a normal girl. Seems like months ago, when really it was just a couple weeks.

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