Chapter 42

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a/n: sooo, y'all might wanna check out chapters 2-8 because they got a pretty signifcant rewrite. Nothing that completely changes the story, but I feel like they read so much better now. I know I've said it a lot already, but I'm trying to study as much as I can about writing techniques and stuff like that. So be on the look out for new rewrites to old chapters! In the meantime, enjoy Chapter 42!

Date: January 1st 2018

Time: 07:29

Location: New York City, USA

Perspective: Y/N

The New Year's celebration last night wasn't quite what the girls had in mind for "New York's finest." They unanimously agreed to stay in, opting out of the city's festivities altogether. As far as I could tell, we were the only ones who stuck around the hotel during the night. I couldn't blame them though. The flight had taken a toll on everyone, and most of the girls weren't even inclined to change out of their pajamas.

The only two that seemed mildly excited were Momo and Jeongyeon, but even then, they just spent a majority of their time in their own room.

As this trip is also a work assignment for me, I didn't have the luxury of getting much sleep. In fact, I had an early morning scheduled with the freelancers that I had hired. I figured I still had a good few hours before anyone woke up, I even heard snoring from a couple of the rooms as I passed by.

While leaving the hotel room, the gravity of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. The weight of my responsibility settled heavily on my shoulders, threatening to crush me. My mind was racing with thoughts of failure and the consequences that would follow.

If I fail, I'll lose my family.

The thought kept repeating in my head like a mantra, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment. I stumbled down the hallway, my steps unsteady as I tried to shake off the fear that threatened to overwhelm me.

Last time, everything was out of my control. Almost everything.

The memories flooded back, unbidden and unwelcome. The guilt that had followed me like a shadow ever since. It couldn't happen again, not like last time.

Something had to be out of my control last time. Right?

I couldn't afford to fail. The lives of the people I cared for were on the line, and I was the only one who could protect them. I tried to push the doubts and fears aside, but they clung to me like a suffocating blanket.

"No, stop," I whispered to myself, gripping the railing of the elevator as it descended. I felt like I was suffocating, like the air around me was thick and heavy. I couldn't let myself falter now.

But the vision of failure was like a movie playing on repeat in my mind, the Romano family closing in on us, their guns aimed at the girls. I'm just one person, and I can't do this alone.

I collapsed to the floor of the elevator, my eyes squeezed shut as I tried to catch my breath. What was happening to me? I couldn't let my fear get the best of me, not now.

"Y/N, are you ready?" I heard a voice cry out.

"Yeah, it's time to go!" Another said.

The sound of familiar voices brought me back to reality, and I opened my eyes to see that I was alone in the elevator. But I knew who was speaking.

I pushed myself off the bottom of the floor and took a moment to collect myself, I could feel the elevator slowing down and coming to a stop. As the doors opened, I walked out and remembered why I truly lost my family.

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