Chapter 3

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Date: November 30th 2017

Time: 13:07

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

I kept staring at my phone. Time seemed to somehow stand still and move at the speed of light simultaneously. "This is ridiculous. I can't seriously be nervous about this" I kept looking at the message I had just typed out. I wanted to send something to Tzuyu, but I didn't want to seem desperate. I knew it had to be sophisticated but also didn't want to seem too serious. I deliberated for a while on what to say when I came up with something that I thought would fit all of those parameters...


I don't understand this. My brain has no problem jumping out of a flying plane or standing in front of the barrel of a gun. But sending a text message, that's where I freeze up? I try forcing my thumb to press the send button, but it can't make it past just merely hovering over it.

Deep down, I know the reason I'm so hesitant about all of this. For the first time in... a long time, I got to be the real me. No cover story, no fake name, no mission. Just me. The last time I felt that with someone...


But it won't be like how it was back then.

Now things are different.

I fall onto the couch and turn my phone face down. This wave of mental exhaustion starts to come over me. I thought the moment I left the agency I wouldn't ever have to feel this stressed again, I mean I shouldn't be this stressed about things.

I turn over my phone and look at the screen.

My head falls back and I stare at the ceiling. I notice that the paint is starting to chip in one of the corners, I'll have to fix that later.

I wonder if there's even a hardware store near here. I mean, I have to look for one either way considering that the sink in the bathroom has a busted drainage pipe.

I could always call someone to come to do it for me but then I'll have to spend a decent amount of cash. Which reminds me I still have to find a job sooner rather than later.

I look once more at my phone. "Oh screw it" I sigh "This isn't worth adding to the stress" I press send.

I toss the phone back on the couch. Now I can focus on the stuff that's more important.

This isn't that big of a risk, what's the worst that happens? She doesn't respond within a minute's notice? Or maybe she doesn't respond for an hour? So what? Ok, maybe she doesn't respond for a couple hours; the world will still keep spinning. Maybe she doesn't even respond for the whole day... that might be a bit worse, but still, she could be busy. Although... she could just not respond at all. That would realistically be the worst case scenario, and then what? I'll still be alive and well; I just won't have a new friend, someone I can be real with. I can make other friends though. It probably won't all end in disaster. As long as I don't repeat the same mistakes I just made with Tzuyu. Wait... No. I didn't make any mistakes, this is all hypothetical. All I did was send her a text message... less than 24 hours after meeting her. Does that seem desperate? All I said was hey. Could that have been too little? Maybe I should've added more. I guess I could follow it up with another message. No, that could come off as attention seeking. But I guess, in a way that's what I'm doing isn't it? Am I being too weird about all of this? Should I have just waited for her to text me first? Is there still time to delete the text?

As my mind races through the seemingly infinite number of ways this scenario ends in disaster, I hear a faint vibration from the far side of my couch. As I grab my phone I notice two things.

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