Chapter 4

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Date: November 30th 2017

Time: 19:19

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

The bus dropped me just a few blocks away from the place Tzuyu wanted to meet her tonight. The Octagon Club. The website for the place said they were a recently new club in Gangnam. What struck me as odd though was that Tzuyu was the one that recommended it. I've only known her for a really short time, but when I met her she seemed so reclusive and shy. She was the type of girl that you had to listen very closely when she talked. Her voice was so calm and quiet. And the few times she did speak up are the times she stammered. The last place I thought she'd end up going to would be somewhere like here.

Guess I thought wrong.

I take my phone out and check the address. I'm no more than a few blocks from the place. As I turn onto the club's street, I notice a line of people stretching all the way to the opposite end. Of course as my luck would have it, the line started, or rather in my case ended, at the Octagon Club. I can't help but let out a sigh while entering the line. At the rate this thing is moving, the entire date might just end up being us waiting. Although, that would certainly be less chaotic than the club.

I feel my phone vibrate inside my pocket. Tzuyu had texted me.

Y/N are you almost here?

No way she's already inside. How'd she get past the line?

Yeah, I'm here but this line's so long. Idk if i'll actually make it inside

Oh! That's right, I forgot to tell you. Go up to the bouncer, tell him you're a friend of mine. He'll ask for a password, just tell him 'Gucci'

What? Password? Gucci?

Is she a VIP at this place? Or... does she somehow own this club?

I don't think I'm as good at profiling people as I used to be. I definitely got the opposite read from her. Either way I walk up to the bouncer and tell him I'm with Tzuyu. A few people behind me gasp and I even hear one person mutter "Bullshit". The bouncer looks at me and rolls his eyes but asks for the passcode, I tell him "Gucci".

His eyes practically jump out from his head. What the hell is going on? Who really is Tzuyu?

The bouncer lets me in and I hear the people behind me make a ruckus. At this point, I have no idea what to expect anymore. As soon as I walk inside what seems to be a sort of entrance hallway to the club, a man approaches me. He was a skinny guy, someone you'd want to give a sandwich to because you'd think he was always starving. He had on black skinny jeans and wore a T-shirt that said 'The Best Life' in English.

"Yo! You're Y/N right?" he shouts over the club music that's already blaring in our ears.

"Yeah! I'm- I'm Tzuyu's friend"

"Awesome! Well you can call me Jintae! I'm here to escort you to the VIP section, you're girl Tzuyu got you set up!

VIP section? "Uh thanks" We start walking into the main club section. The place is packed full of people, almost standing shoulder to shoulder. Dozens of different people moving in dozens of different directions. It was like navigating a storm in the ocean. Though, as soon as we take just a few steps in, Jintae makes a hard right and leads me up some stairs.

I tap him on the shoulder "Hey! So does Tzuyu own this club or something?" My voice is barely loud enough to cut through the music that's blasting all over the club.

Jintae just laughs "Man wouldn't that be great? A girl like her, attached to this club!"

A girl like her? If she's not the owner, then how'd she get me in this club let alone the VIP area? As Jintae reaches the top of the stairs he speaks to another bouncer standing in front of a velvet rope. I can't really make out what he's saying but nevertheless the bouncer pulls the rope aside and Jintae motions for me to come up.

As I make my way up the last few steps I get a glimpse of the VIP area. It was secluded. No more than a dozen or so people, but the space could've easily fit up to 50 or 60. I felt like I could actually breathe now. There were a few people sprawled out on couches in corners, a private bar in the back, and since all the speakers were below us, I could actually use my ears again.

Jintae pats me on the back "Well, this is it! Hope you like it"

As he starts to walk away, I grab him by the shoulder "Wait, where's Tzuyu?"

He laughs again "Don't worry man, they'll all be out soon" He gives me a wink and a nod as he hastily goes back downstairs.

They? Nothing about this night is making sense. I thought I was meeting just Tzuyu here.

At this point I decided to take out my phone and text her

hey just got to the VIP place, where are you?

No response.

A few minutes pass by. Could she be somewhere else in the club? I lean against the balcony and start scanning as many people as I can down on the main dance floor. It's dark and the lights constantly flashing aren't helping, but I can tell she's not down there. Before I even have a chance to text her again, the music dies down, and over the speaker I hear a voice say "Alright everybody!!! Hope everyone is having a good time!"

The crowd cheers back to him

"Well, time for the moment everyone has been waiting for."

The crowd gets even louder

"Here to promote their newest album coming out December 11th! Everyone give it up for TWICE!!!"

At this point the crowd's cheering roars so loud I could swear it started to shake the place a little. The stage pressed up against the back wall of the club lights up. I guess some sort of band is about to perform. Maybe once they come out the crowd will be focused on them, and I can find Tzuyu a bit easier.

I see a few of the members start to walk out and the crowd's roar somehow grows even louder. I look down on my phone and start to text Tzuyu

are we meeting somewhere else? Or are you about to come up to the VIP area?

I hear some of the performers introducing themselves

"Hi, I'm Nayeon!"

"Hey, I'm Jeongyeon"

I try to tune that out. I need to focus on finding Tzuyu.

Still no response from her. What could she be doing? I think about calling her but I'd have to leave the club to do that. I start walking out of the VIP area to exit the club, but before I can even reach the stairs I hear a voice cry out


That made me stop in my tracks.

I looked up from my phone to see... Tzuyu?! On stage with the other girls?!

She's staring right up at the VIP area. At me. She winks, and everyone immediately starts looking around. I dash to the bar to try and disappear into the crowd.

"Tzuyu! You seem like you're in a good mood tonight" I hear one of the other girls say.

I'm starting to question if the universe just doesn't want me to have a normal life. Although, A LOT of things suddenly make sense now. I approach the railing again as the group starts performing their set. My eyes are practically locked on to Tzuyu almost the entire time. When she told me that she sang, she said it was a hobby!

I guess me and her have different meanings for that word.

The group left almost as quickly as they came. After just a few songs, they walk off stage and wave goodbye to the crowd. Everyone starts cheering for them to come back. My mind is just still so scattered I don't even know what to do next. Luckily, I don't have to think about that. Tzuyu texted me.

head around back. I've got some people you have to meet!

Yeah I was right, the universe really doesn't want me to have a normal life.

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