Chapter 27

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Date: December 16th 2017

Time: 07:42

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

I woke up a little early to make breakfast for all the girls not coming on the trip, since I won't be here to make it when they wake up. I made them pancakes with whipped cream.

As I finished making the last of the pancakes, I kept thinking about my trip. JYP was clever enough to make this look like nothing more than doing my job as a bodyguard, but I have to find a time where I can slip away unnoticed and deal with the Yakuza. Considering that Momo and Sana are the most attentive and energetic girls however, my best bet is to do it when they're not awake.

Speaking of which, it did puzzle me why Mina wasn't coming with us. I know she's Japanese, and she's close with Sana and Momo.

Momo just said it was because Mina already visited Japan not too long ago, but Sana told me it was because of her nerves.

What does that even mean? Nerves for what?

I hear a door open and someone moaning...

Momo comes out in sweatpants and a huge sweatshirt... with a blanket covering her body.

"Ughhh" she grumbled "Why does our flight have to be so early?"

I chuckle "You'll be fine Momo, you can sleep on the plane"

"Can I have the middle seat?" Momo asked

"You want the middle seat?" I asked back

"Yeah that way I always have someone to rest on" she said

I laugh and tell her the middle seat is all hers. Sana already called dibs on the aisle seat, so I guess I'm sitting window.

Speaking of Sana, I hear another door open and see her run out to the main room.

"Good morning pabo" she says while kissing Momo on the cheek then giving her a back hug.

"Mhhm" Momo says still half asleep.

Sana looks at me and smiles at me and winks "Good morning Y/N" she says in a more low toned voice.

If she's trying to make me blush... she's succeeded.

"Uh- g- morning Sana" I say back.

"So what did you make us for breakfast" Sana says while her and Momo sit down at the kitchen counter.

"Yeah I saw pancakes for everyone else" Momo says

"Ohh! I could go for some right now!" Sana says

"Well actually, pancakes might not be the best for your stomach before a flight so I wanted to make you something that would be a bit easier on your stomachs and still just as tasty" I say

I go into the fridge and heat up two bowls of what I had made before the pancakes. After the bowls finish heating up. I hand them their food.

"Is this... ramen?" Sana asks

"Why does everyone else get pancakes and we get this?" Momo says a little grumpy

"Trust me it tastes better than you think. I used a bunch of different garnishes and spices, also the broth is a bit different from regular ramen" I say to them, handing them both chopsticks

They take it and both look at each other, then reluctantly try the ramen.

After the flavor kicks in, I see their faces light up.

Momo almost fully wakes up and starts devouring the bowl and Sana is almost surprised by how it tastes.

"I told you it would taste good" I say while smiling

Momo tries to say something but is still in the middle of eating her meal.

"How is it you know how to make everything taste amazing?!" Sana asks

"Like I said before, I trained under some really good chefs in France for about 6 months"

"Was it from your... 'previous' job" Sana asks

She really wasn't discrete in saying that, but Momo seems too busy eating to notice. I just nod my head at Sana and she smiles and goes back to eating.

Once they both finish, I take their bowls and put them into the sink. I check the time: 8:00am

Our flight is at 9:30 so we gotta leave now.

"You both ready" I ask Sana and Momo. They nod and grab their luggage. I pick up mine too and put on my backpack

"Alright then, next stop... Osaka" I say


Date: December 16th 2017

Time: 08:53

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

Once we arrived at the airport both Sana and Momo had paparazzi and fans trying to swarm them. I was able to keep most of them back with the help of some of the airport security.

Luckily, none of the crowd was able to follow us once we were past the metal detectors and security. After that, we went to our boarding gate and sat down to wait for the plane.

Momo laid her head on Sana's shoulder and they both closed their eyes.

I looked at them both and smiled. These small moments, the moments where I'm not getting shot at, the moments where I don't have to lie about what I'm actually doing, the moments where I can just sit back and enjoy what I have, people I care about... those are the moments I live for.

But I can only enjoy it for so long. As this is probably my best time to do some research and get a game-plan for what I'll do once we get to Japan. I take out my phone and my wireless earbuds, I activate Lisa on my phone and get to work.


After around 30 minutes or so pass, Momo and Sana both wake up. I turn off Lisa and then Momo says "I think I'm gonna get something to eat for the plane" she looks at me and Sana then asks "Do you want anything?"

I shake my head and Sana says no.

Momo walks off to a nearby shop, it's within viewing distance, so I don't have to escort her or anything.

Sana sits where Momo was sitting, next to me, and says "Sooo, you think the 'other' you might show up on this trip?"

She may know about my secret about me being the guy in the mask, but she still doesn't know about the Yakuza and their revenge plan against JYP... and I want to keep it that way.

"Oh I doubt it" I say while smiling back at her "I think JYP just wanted me to come along because he has more security available to watch over the other girls here in Korea. And also I can more than handle the two of you"

"Ohhh is that so?" Sana says while smirking

Something about this girl... I can never tell what she's truly thinking, but all I know is that there's more to that smirk.

She pokes me in the side and I flinch. She giggles and says "Well I guess this might turn out to be a very interesting trip"

More than she realizes.

Momo comes back holding three bags of snacks.

"Momo we said we didn't want anything" I say to her.

"I know" she says with a straight face "I didn't get anything for you"

I look at Sana and she just smiles at me

This is going to be an interesting trip.

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