Chapter 44

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a/n: Woah! Another chapter? I know, I can't believe it either. Also, for those wanting more. I just started another story! This time centered around Blackpink!! Go check it out after this chapter, it's called Unspoken. Enjoy!

Date: January 2nd 2018

Time: 10:31

Location: New York City, USA

Perspective: Y/N

I wanted to believe I didn't just hear what Troy said, but there was no time for doubt. My legs sprang into action before my mind could catch up, urgency propelling me forward.

"Where is Troy?" I barked into the comms, weaving through the alleys.

"North side, in the old library!" someone shouted back, their voice tinged with panic.

I clicked on my mask, the familiar HUD flickering to life. With a swift motion, I drew my grapple gun and aimed at the rooftop across the street. The mechanism whirred and shot out, the hook latching onto the ledge with a satisfying clink. With a press of the trigger, I zipped upwards, the ground disappearing beneath me in a blur.

I landed on the rooftop, rolling to absorb the impact, and immediately took off running. Every second counted; Troy was holding off the sniper, and who knows how many others, alone. He's strong, but he is only human. I had to get there fast, but I also had to stay unseen.

I fired the grapple gun again, zipping to the next building with precision. As I flew through the sky, I activated both of my gloves which buzzed with a faint blue glow. I stuck to the side of the wall, between two buildings. Sticking to the shadows of the alleys were becoming second nature to me now.

Reaching the edge of another rooftop, I paused for a fraction of a second, scanning the area.

"Lisa?" I asked

She highlighted the building I was looking for on my HUD. I fired the grapple gun once more, the line pulling me swiftly across another street, the wind whipping past me. I was close enough to finally see Troy, fighting off at least 4 different guys. I reached down by my belt and pulled out a smoke pellet, hurling it through the window of the library.

"Lisa!" I said flying through the air "Identify Troy's biosignature and highlight him in green, then switch to thermal mode"

Within less time than it took to blink, my HUD had completely changed, all targets were now completely visible through the thick smoke I had created. I landed straight through the empty window, hearing the coughs and confusion of the men inside.

Time to work.

I dropped into the first thug's blind spot, the smoke covering my approach. A swift punch to the neck, and a kick in the back of his knee and he crumpled silently to the floor.

Two more were a few feet ahead, struggling to see through the haze. I moved quickly and silently. A quick sweep of my leg took one down, followed by a sharp elbow to the temple, knocking him out cold. The other spun around just in time for me to catch his arm and flip him over my shoulder, sending him crashing into a nearby table, shattering it into half.

The fourth one was already backing away, fear evident in his movements as he waved his gun wildly, trying to find a target. I fired my grapple gun, the hook sinking into his ankle. With a powerful yank, he was pulled off his feet, landing hard on the ground. I closed the distance in an instant, a precise kick to the jaw rendering him unconscious.

The smoke began to clear, revealing Troy, who had been knocked down but looking relatively fine. I gave him a nod, and he grinned back.

"Took you long enough," he said, catching his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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