Chapter 17

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Date: December 3rd 2017

Time: 08:31

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

Luckily everyone got to sleep in this morning. No one had any video or photo shoots, or any type of event they had to go to. I actually got to sleep in as well, sleeping past 7am for the first time in ages felt great.

When I woke up, I immediately checked Dahyun's location.

"Still at her friends apartment" I said to myself while staring at my phone "Good, hopefully she'll be back soon"

I went out into the living room and saw no one was up yet, so I decided to make breakfast again. I made things like eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Just something simple, I did make extra just because I noticed Momo really likes to eat more than the others. How she eats that much and keeps looking the way she does is a mystery... then again I guess I'm not one to talk either.

Either way, after making everything I notice no one has yet to wake up yet, I quietly check each room and see that all the girls are actually still asleep.

Well, I guess I have some free time to kill. I go into my room and lock the door, I go into my closet and get out my gadget box.

"I think it's time to make a proper place for this stuff" I say to myself.

I get out my tools from the box and get to work creating a secret compartment in the room to store everything, which won't be too hard since my room is at the end of the hallway. I'll have plenty of room between the walls and won't be "cutting" into anyone else's room.


After about 30 minutes I'm able to make a decent space in the wall to put all my stuff, and after organizing all my gadgets, all that was left was to wire the compartment up to a thumbprint scanner so only I could access it.

As I'm about to start the work for it, I hear a couple girls talking out in the main area, sounds like Sana and someone else... maybe Jeongyeon? Still kind of hard to keep track of what everyone sounds like since I've only been with them for a couple of days now.

I open my door just a little to see they're eating breakfast and talking in the kitchen, I'll join them after I finish with what I'm working on right now. Don't really want anyone accidentally walking in on this, so the sooner I can finish this, the better. But right before I close my door I hear the main door to the dorm open.


I forgot to keep checking Dahyun's location. That's probably her, but I need to be more on top of things next time. I see her walk in, Sana gives her a half wave and then looks down... weird. I thought she was more social with the other girls, maybe what Dahyun said last night really got to her.

I figured I should at least greet her and make sure she was ok or check if she needed anything, so I quickly came out and said

"Hey Dahyun! Welcome back, how are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm fine Y/N, whatever" she says while half ignoring me.

Oh ok, so I see she's not as cheerful as she was last night after I saved her. I wonder what happened?

"Well, if you're hungry, I made breakfast" I said while smiling

"It's really good by the way!" I hear Sana say behind me.

"Cool, uhh whatever, you can go now" she says back to me.

That kind of surprised me, but considering what almost happened to her last night maybe the shock of it all hit her this morning and she just wants to be left alone.

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