Chapter 25

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a/n: I didn't want to add too much unnecessary stuff for this chapter so it ended up being shorter than I thought. So I'm sorry about that. But I just wanted to say thank you for 15k reads! That is crazy, I love writing this! So to see that you guys really like it too means a lot to me :) Anyways enjoy Chapter 25

Date: December 13th 2017

Time: 11:54

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

A therapist came in yesterday and spent the day evaluating the girl's mental state, individually and as a group. She concluded that they all seemed to be in a sound and sane manner. However, she also added that they should probably have weekly sessions for the next few months, in case of any remaining trauma.

All I can think about is how I should've never let any of this happen. If I just investigated every guest that went to the party, or researched all the groups JYP manages. Then I could've stopped both of those guys before anything even started...

At least I gave them the same amount of trauma they gave the girls... maybe even more.

Speaking of which. I told JYP about, and spent all day yesterday researching, the Kazuma family's leader, Akhuei. Unfortunately, I couldn't find so much as a trace of this woman. No family to contact, no jobs she used to work at, no associations she belonged to. It's like she didn't exist. So either the guy lied to me, which I highly doubt by how much he was crying, or more logically, she's using a fake name. Which means I need to get more information on her.

My best bet is to go undercover for a few days and see what intel I can gather on her through the other Yakuza families and Japanese Black Market.

I'll have to find some time to do it, maybe within the next few days since the girls are on break.

In the meantime, I guess I have the day off for once. Maybe I could-

"Y/N can I come in?" I hear someone say while knocking on my door.

"Uh yeah, of course" I respond back.

The door opens and Dahyun walks into my room. She looks... nervous. She's looking down and has a worried expression on her face while blushing.

"Dahyun is everything ok?" I ask her

"Would- would you... would you want to go somewhere with me?" she says

"Oh you need me to escort you somewhere?" I ask

"No" she says "Not like that, not like go with me as my bodyguard. Just... hang out with me somewhere as a- a... "

Dahyun blushes even more "Just hang out with me and do something together?"

This a turn of events.

"Oh" I say "Sure, sounds fun! Where did you want to go?"


Date: December 13th 2017

Time: 13:02

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Kim Dahyun

We arrive at the ice cream shop that Chaeyoung and I like to go to. It's nice because it's away from most of the public and the people working here know us well enough not to freak out when they see us...

So I was a little surprised when we walked in and I heard the girl behind the counter say "Welcome how can I-" then gasp after she looked up and saw us.

"It's you!" she says

I know this girl is a newer worker, but still, she's never freaked out like this before. What's so different about this time?

"I thought I would never see you again!" she says while covering her mouth

That's when I noticed she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at Y/N.

I look up at (him/her) and (he/she) looks confused and is a little red in the face. (He/She) looks at me and says "Uhhh you... find a place to sit down, I'll get the ice cream. What flavor do you want?"

I want to ask Y/N what this girl is talking about but it looks like (he/she) doesn't even know.

"Um cookies and cream please" I say back.

I sit down in one of the tables near the back and watch Y/N talk to the girl at the counter while ordering the ice cream.

After a few minutes pass by (he/she) brings both our cups of ice cream over and sits down. We both start to eat, but don't talk for at least a minute... I guess I kind of have been distant with (him/her) and all the other girls recently. I wish I could go back and smack myself on the head for causing all that trouble the past week or so.

"Um" I start to stammer "Did you figure out what that girl was talking about?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah" he chuckles... it's kind of cute "She was... someone I met briefly in the previous job I had. I helped her out with something, not really a big deal or anything though"

"What exactly did you do?" I ask

"I just made sure she wouldn't hit rock bottom" Y/N replies back

(He's/She's) being a little vague but I get it. Chaeyoung told me yesterday all about (him/her) and what happened to (his/her) parents... which just made me feel like an even bigger ass.

"Y/N I-" I stammer and blush "I- I just wanted to say I'm sorry"

"For what?" Y/N asks

"For... for trying to get you fired, and you don't have to act surprised. I'm sure you heard about it somehow"

I look up at Y/N briefly, (he's/she's) just staring back. Not angry or sad, just listening to what I have to say.

"For the past few years I haven't felt like a normal person, and because of that I feel more vulnerable than I ever have before. I feel like anyone and everyone is out to get me"

Tears start to well up in my eyes.

"I guess I just wanted someone who- who could always keep me safe. I never really said anything about this before but after the night I got attacked. I- I..."

It gets harder to talk.

"I just realized that the dark part of the world really can get to me, and I didn't know if you could be capable of keeping that away"

I feel one tear fall out of my eye "But after you saved me that night, when I had a gun in my face.... I just- I-"

I feel (his/her) hand rubbing away the tear and pull my chin up to look at (him/her).

"It's ok. I understand" Y/N says

"You do?" I ask

"Of course. I know what it's like when it feels as if everyone's out to get you. I know what it's like to deal with the darker part of the world. It can change you and it can scare you. So don't worry, I was never mad at you"

I smile and grab (his/her) hand across the table

"And I promise you" Y/N says "Whatever happens. I will be there to make sure you're safe. No matter what"

I nod my head silently and bring (his/her) hand up to my cheek to wipe away another tear that fell out. Before I put it back I just let (his/her) hand rest on my cheek.

I feel safe with Y/N. I want to stay like this forever.

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