Chapter 8

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Date: December 1st 2017

Time: 19:14

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

As I glance around the backseats of the car, at all of my stuff from the apartment, I can't shake off the bizarre feeling that I'm going to be settling into this "dorm" with nine K-pop idols. JYP's explanation about keeping the girls safe and making sure I'm readily available to offer support sounds reasonable enough. But still, it's strange to think that I'm the one designated to live with these celebrities day in and day out. It's all a bit overwhelming, but I suppose I have no choice but to adapt and make the best of it.

If I didn't know any better, I would swear I was living in a cliché movie plot.

"We're here" said Jaehyun. I was so busy thinking about this whole situation I almost completely forgot he was driving the car. I looked out the window to see a dull backlot, consisting of a few parking spaces and ventilation systems. The building looked gray and lifeless, lacking any kind of character or charm. This didn't seem like the place I escorted Tzuyu to a few nights ago.

"Is this a different entrance?" I ask back, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"This is the back entrance. Mr. Park doesn't want anyone to know you're living with the girls right now, as it could cause a scandal"

I suppose that makes sense. Either way, secrecy is no stranger to me, this job is seeming to turn out more and more like my last one.

As we retrieved the boxes, what few there were, from the backseat. I realized just how light I travel. Compared to the average person, my possessions were minimal. I always thought those types of things never mattered to me, but now that I'm moving in with others that probably have plenty... I suppose it just made me realize how empty my life may seem.

Jaehyun swipes his ID badge at the backdoors. The security system set in place seemed like your standard upscaled apartment building; a few cameras here and there, some more advanced locks on a few doors, and one security guard inside the lobby. The lack of strict security actually struck me as odd. I would've thought JYP would've made this place like his own Fort Knox, so that the Yakuza wouldn't be able to harm the girls. Though I suppose that's what I'm here for.

The elevator doors opened to reveal a sleek and modern interior, complete with polished steel walls and touchscreens for every apartment. As we ascend to the top floor, Jaehyun turned to me and said

"Thank you"

I blinked a few times, unsure if I had heard him correctly "Excuse me?" I asked back.

"I never properly got to say thank you for saving my life. As well as doing my job by saving Mr. Park's" he says quickly glancing in my direction very sparingly. A small furrow appears between his eyebrows, and he clears his throat. It's obvious he doesn't like feeling indebted to someone else, especially when it comes to his own safety.

"Don't mention it" I reply, staring dead ahead.

"What you did that day was no short of amazing from what Mr. Park tells me"

For a moment, my mind drifted as I considered how others must view me. The realization that my actions have the power to impact countless lives, just by doing my job, was a strange sensation. If only I could have done more, I thought to myself.

"There is one thing Mr. Park forgot to mention however" Jaehyun adds. I looked back at him as I tilted my head.

"He doesn't want you telling the girls about your past with the CIA."

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