Chapter 13

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Date: December 2nd 2017

Time: 14:15

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

Getting all the information I'm going to get from the Yakuza, I arranged for the two to be brought into police custody and shortly after called JYP.

"Agent L/N" He answered "Is everything alright?"

"You were right" I responded "The yakuza did try to make a move against the girls"

His voice shook with worry as he let out a small gasp "The girls-"

"Don't worry" I replied cutting him off "I stopped anything before it happened. They didn't hear or see a thing"

JYP breathed a sigh of relief "Thank god, thank you Agent L/N. Did you learn anything about them?"

"Call me Y/N" I said "The only thing I could learn was the name of the family. The Kazuma family. Ring any bells?"

"Not really" he replied back, hesitant and uncertain.

"Well, they certainly seem to know you. I can guarantee this is just the start. Do you think might go after any of the other groups your company manages"

"I'm almost certain they won't. At least not as much as they're coming after the girls"

His response caught me off guard. He sounded as if the girls had been in danger before. "What do you mean?"

"I don't say this publicly, but it's quite well known. These girls, TWICE, they're my favorite group that I've ever managed"

"Is that so?" I asked.

"I created a reality TV show competition to form the group. So, yes, you could say I have a particularly special interest in them"

I remember the girls telling me about that last night. Something about it seemed odd to me. It reminded me of how I and others were picked for the C.A.M.P.

The more I talk to JYP, the harder it is to truly get a read on him. I can't say I fully trust him at this time, but I want to believe he and I are on the same side. Either way, he certainly seems to care about the girls. Whether that's because he's genuinely a good person or just looking out for his bottom line, only time will tell.

"Actually" JYP continues "This isn't the first time the Yakuza's made an attempt on the girls"

"It isn't?" I replied back. Why didn't he tell me this before? This is pertinent information I should've known. "What happened?"

"Nothing, the girls never knew of any of the past attempts made on them. I've hired so many different people over the years. Ex-soldiers, freelance bodyguards, I even looked into private militias. But it always ends the same. The Yakuza either scares them out of the job or bribes them to steer clear of me"

He sounds exhausted. How long has this been going on? Perhaps, there's more that I ought to find out about, but I'll need to do it on my own. I need to get the full story from a perspective that doesn't have a bias.

"Let me guess, a similar situation with the police?" I asked.

"Either that or they think I'm exaggerating to get extra security for free" he sighs. "That's why I need you Y/N. You're someone that can't be bought or bullied. I need you to keep these girls safe, whatever the cost"

Regardless of his motivations, whenever he speaks about the girls it's clear he's sincere in what he says.

"If you're planning on taking on the Yakuza, you can't play defense forever" I say back to him.

"I know, I know" JYP responds, his voice exasperated "I'm going to see what information I can find to give us a better idea of what we're up against"

"Understood, I'll do the same" I responded.

"I'll be in touch" JYP says before hanging up the phone.

I head back inside the studio and make my way towards the set. I imagine by now the girls must be done filming the scene. I just hope I wasn't gone too long and can slip back in unnoticed. I've noticed that they've completely changed the set to some kind of grocery store. I'm not really sure what this has to do with being in love, but then again I don't think I'm the target demographic for these types of songs.

I don't see any of the girls though. Merely just a few members of the filming crew and staff for the studios. Perhaps I should search the-

"Y/N!" Someone shouts from behind.

I looked behind me, seeing Sana running towards and practically jumping at me. She grabs hold of my arm. The whole ordeal caught me so off guard that my instinct was to swipe my arm back.

Sana looks at me confused and a little flustered. I've never had someone treat me like this before, with such love and care. If this is her definition of 'one step at a time' then her and I take drastically different steps.

I can see she looks a little hurt by my actions "Sorry, you just kind of scared me is all" I say while extending my arm.

She doesn't grab it this time.

"It's okay" she says while shooting a quick half smile. She speaks softly, and her tone changes from excited to somber "Anyways, we couldn't find you after we finished filming. Where did you go?"

I want to ask her if she's okay, but I already know the answer. "Oh, I thought I heard a noise earlier and just wanted to go check it out. It was nothing though" I'm stumbling on my words while my heart feels like it's slowly sinking into my stomach.

I can't understand what I'm feeling. It's been years since I've felt anything remotely similar to this. Besides, she's the one who came on too strong at first, I'm the one trying to take things slow, maintain a healthy working relationship. I shouldn't feel like the bad guy...

So why do I?

"Anyways" I added "I'm guessing everyone's on break again?"

Sana nods her head while looking at the floor "They didn't want to start without you, so I was coming to get you"

She starts to walk to the dressing rooms "Come on" she says without looking back "Follow me"

I ran my fingers through my hair while I sighed and muttered under my breath "Smooth Y/N. You really got a way with the ladies don't you?"

She leads me to the same dressing room I found Chaeyoung in earlier. As I walk inside, I see the rest of the girls sitting around a makeshift table and a bunch of food laid out. There's enough here to feed 10 families.

"Ah, finally you found (him/her)! I'm starving" Momo says

Why were they waiting for me? I realize that these girls aren't like the usual celebrities I've dealt with. But even still, I'm just a bodyguard. Even when it comes to people in general, I've always been used to those who only put themselves first. I never judged anyone for that, this world isn't exactly kind. But these girls- They're not treating me like an employee, but rather a friend. I couldn't quite understand this type of kindness, it's a kindness I had not really ever seen before... not for a long time at least.

"Come on Y/N" Chaeyoung says to me "I saved you a spot right here" she pats her hand on the ground next to her and Mina.

I gave a hesitant smile as I sat down next to the two girls. Chaeyoung handed me a pair of chopsticks as she smiled back. Sana had sat on the opposite end from me. Her mood seemed to improve from before, although that could've been just because she was in front of everyone right now. I try to push the thoughts of guilt into the back of my mind but they're swimming in the forefront of my brain right now.

"Alright!" Jihyo exclaims. "Let's eat!"

We all start making our plates with the copious amount of food to choose from.

"So, Y/N" I heard Jeongyeon say "We have about half an hour until we have to go back. We were wondering if you could tell us about that camp Tzuyu was talking about."

That sinking feeling is back, only this time it's much more different. The same type of feeling an animal gets when it's cornered. Now I understand why they wanted to eat with me. How am I going to get out of this?

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