Chapter 36

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Date: December 18th 2017

Time: 22:06

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

As soon as I jump out the window, I'm able to get a better look at who's being attacked... it's JYP's personal bodyguard, Jaehyun.

I land right behind the three men assaulting him, one guy turns around and charges at me, I use the energy stored from my boot attachments to kick him across the street. The second and third one then turn and charge at me, one of them is holding a knife.

I dodge the unarmed man's punch and push him aside, then grab the wrist of the man with a knife and dislocate his arm. He starts to scream, but I cover his mouth to prevent him from making any more noise and waking up the girls. Last thing I need right now is another one of them thinking the masked person is "sooo cool" and then have to go through THAT whole process again.

I punch the man in his head and he falls to the ground, as I do that I can hear the man I pushed aside running at me from behind. I backflip over him as he starts to throw a punch, as I land behind him I kick him in the back and knock him on the head.

"Man, this many attacks in one week... it's like I'm back in America" I say while restraining the two with handcuffs I brought from my room.

"Holy shit!" Jaehyun says "I- you just-" he looks at me with his jaw dropped "How the hell did you do that?"

"Oh....uhhh... you know, workout... eat your vegetables... and get trained secretly by the government for over 10 years. It's pretty simple" I say while walking over to restrain the first guy I kicked.

As I do that I ask Jaehyun "We're these guys Yakuza? I don't see any family pins"

"No, actually they're just common street thugs who wanted to rob me, if you can believe that"

"I've definitely seen weirder things" I say back to him while chuckling "What are you doing here by the way?"

"Oh that's right" Jaehyun says while reaching into his back pocket. He pulls out an envelope

"JYP wanted me to give you this"

"What is it?" I ask while taking it.

"Something that's gonna cause us problems, he wanted me to come in person because he thought talking about this over the phone could be too risky"

"That's... vague" I say to him

"He wouldn't tell me what it was, said he wanted you to be the first one to know about it"

I raise an eyebrow, then shrug "Ok then, let's see what we got here"

After opening the envelope and pulling out the letter I quickly realize what JYP meant... and he's right.

"Ohh no" I say

"What is it, the Yakuza?" Jaehyun asks

"Worse" I say


Date: December 18th 2017

Time: 22:07

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Son Chaeyoung

"Y/N's gone!" Tzuyu says to Dahyun and I.

I freak out, this has to be something related to Y/N being the masked person. If Tzuyu or anyone else figures it out, Y/N's gonna be mad at me and then we won't be able to-

I gotta focus

"Are- are you sure he didn't just leave to go for a walk or something?" I say pretending to still be half asleep

"Yeah" Dahyun says "He's an adult, he can do what he wants"

"No!" Tzuyu says "I heard his voice from his room right before I opened the door, then when I did go in he wasn't there, and his window was opened!"

Ok, this is bad.

"What if he was kidnapped?" Tzuyu asks

"Tzuyu we're on the third floor, and there's no ladder or anything leading up to his room. How would he be kidnapped?" Dahyun asks back

Good, Dahyun's not freaking out.

"What if it was the masked person that kidnapped Y/N? They have that rope gun thing that they used to save Irene right?"

BAD!!!!! VERY BAD!!!!

I gotta get the masked person out of their minds right now!

"What?!" I say while trying to play it off as a joke "No, tha- that's impossible"

"How?!" Tzuyu asks

"Because... because- they saved Irene. So their obviously a good guy"

"Yeah but Dahyun asked them to replace Y/N as the bodyguard, how do you know their not trying to get rid of Y/N?!" Tzuyu asks while starting to freak out

"Well how do you know their not not trying to get rid of Y/N?" I ask back

I'm a terrible liar.

"Tzuyu" Dahyun says "I know I probably didn't spend a lot of time with the masked person, but I don't think he would do something like that. Y/N is probably just fine, let's go check (his/her) room"

Uh oh.

Before I can say anything Dahyun walks out of the room with Tzuyu nervously walking behind her.

I rush out into the hallway and try to stop them, but before I can. I hear the front door to the dorm open. We all turn around to see Y/N walk through.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"See, (he's/she's) fine" Dahyun says

"Girls?" Y/N says while looking towards us "What are you doing up so-"

Before he can finish his sentence, Tzuyu runs and hugs (him/her) tight... I'm only slightly jealous because I know she was just worried about (him/her)

"Y/N!" she exclaims while hugging (him/her) "You're ok!"

"Of course I'm ok" Y/N says while hugging her back... ok now I'm more jealous "Why would you think I wasn't?"

"Because you weren't in your room, and I heard you talking in English right before I came in"

"Ohhh, well I went out to just get some fresh air for a little bit, I actually opened my window first. And you probably just heard me talking to my friends in America who are just waking up right now. I got pretty loud on the phone so it probably sounded like I was actually in my room or something"

"Oh.... Yeah, that makes sense" Tzuyu says while looking up at (him/her)

Damn, Y/N played that off so smooth that I almost believed it! Meanwhile I can barely get through a lie without sweating my makeup off.

"Well either way, we're glad to see you safe" Dahyun says

"Thanks, next time I'll leave a post it note or something letting you know I'm gone" Y/N says looking down at Tzuyu.

"Come on Tzuyu, let's go back to bed" Dahyun says while walking back to our bedroom

Y/N let's go of her and that's when I realize that I had instinctively clenched my fist... I unclench it and accept the fact I might be a LITTLE jealous.

As Y/N walks back to (his/her) room Tzuyu says "Oh actually I-"

Y/N turns around "Hm? What's up?"

Tzuyu looks back at me and Dahyun, then back at Y/N "Um, nevermind. It can wait until the morning"

"Ok then" Y/N says "Well, if any of you still need me, you know where I am. Goodnight"

"Goodnight!" Tzuyu says. She runs up to me and gives me a back hug, as Y/N closes (his/her) door she says "I told you, he's perfect"


I smile.

I couldn't agree more.

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