Chapter 35

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a/n: I told you guys, I'm not abandoning this story... I'm just a huge procrastinator is all. Seriously though, I'm sorry for the delay but hope you enjoy!

Date: December 18th 2017

Time: 22:00

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

The plane ride was... peaceful. I sat in the middle with both Momo and Sana sleeping on my shoulders. It was nice to see them at peace, with everything Sana dealt with during the trip and knowing that something's been bothering Momo, it's nice to just see them relaxed.

When we got off the plane we were greeted by JYP and his personal bodyguard Jaehyun. Not to my surprise, I ended up riding with Jaehyun in one car while the girls rode with JYP in another... figures.

But when we finally got back to the dorm, all the girls were standing in the living room waiting for us. They hugged us and seemed really happy we were all back, Mina even asked me "so how was the trip? Anything exciting happen?"

I just responded "Oh, not really. It was uh- pretty uneventful"

Pretty soon though everyone let us go to bed, it was clear Momo and Sana were tired from the trip back, and me... well I had my share of exhaustion too. It was probably just from all the stress of having to deal with Osaka again.

As everyone started to go to bed and I finished cleaning up, I noticed that Jeongyeon was still sitting at the kitchen table, she looked almost zoned out. It reminded me of Mina and how she looked the night I talked to her about her anxiety. As I started to walk towards her she seemed to shake her head, almost as if to zone back in, and then looked up at me and flashed a quick smile.

"Jeongyeon" I said "You doing ok?"

"Yep, fine. Goodnight" she responded with before rushing off to her room. Don't tell me she's angry at me like Dahyun was. I know I've probably interacted with her the least but still, did I do something to make her mad? Either way, I don't think there's much I can do right now. Maybe she was just tired, I'll check on her tomorrow.

I finally head back to my room and fall onto my bed "Ugh, I feel like I haven't actually slept in a week"

Of course, just as fate; or whatever weird thing that controls this universe is, would have it, as soon as I start to close my eyes I hear something. It sounded like something hitting a metal object... followed by a couple grunts and then sounds of people punching...

"Please just be in my head, please just be in my head" I say while getting up to look out my window. As I peer out though, I see three guys fighting all ganging up on one person. I quickly grab my adhesive gloves and my boot attachments. I put on my mask and jump out the window. This really is the day that never ends.


Date: December 18th 2017

Time: 21:30

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Chou Tzuyu

We all decided to call it an early night. It was clear that Sana, Momo, and Y/N were all exhausted from their trip back. I went back to my room and laid on my bed, Dahyun and Chaeyoung soon followed. We were all trying to go to sleep but at the same time I was wide awake... thinking about (him/her).

"What do you girls think of Y/N?" I heard Dahyun ask

"What?" Chaeyoung asked

"I said what do you think of Y/N?"

"As in like?" I asked back

"As in like a person" Dahyun said

No one said anything at first...

"Ok fine, I'll go first. I think (he's/she's) amazing" Dahyun said "I know it seems like a complete 180 for me to say but after (he/she) saved our lives back at that party... I got to know the real (him/her)"

"What?!" Chaeyoung blurted out while sitting up in her bed "What do you mean the real (him/her)?"

Dahyun poked her head out to look at Chaeyoung on the top bunk "I mean like how (he's/she's) really nice and cares for us" she said confused "Chaeyoung why are you freaking out?"

I looked across to both of them, and it did seem like Chaeyoung was nervous about something.

"Oh... that's- um... yeah that's nice" Chaeyoung said laying back down

"You ok?" I asked her

"Yeah I'm fine, I- I think I was just half asleep so I'm probably just acting crazy" she responded

That much is obvious.

"What about you Tzuyu?" Dahyun asked me

"What about me?"

"Oh don't play dumb, (he/she) did save your life after all, that's how we even got to meet (him/her) in the first place"

She's right, I'll never forget that night. "I think..." I start to say "I think you're right Dahyun, Y/N really does care, not just about us though. About people in general. We've always heard how people care for us and they'd do anything to make us safe and happy, and why do they say that? Because we're TWICE. Yet the one person who saves me is also the one person who has never heard of me. Having (him/her) around makes me truly feel safe, it makes me feel like no matter who I am or what I choose to become (he'll/she'll) still be there to keep me safe"

I say all of that and then realize it's been a while since me and Y/N have actually talked. In fact I don't think we've even had a private conversation since that day at the mall.


Date: December 18th 2017

Time: 22:00

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Chou Tzuyu

Around 30 minutes pass by, and I'm still wide awake. Both Chaeyoung and Dahyun fell asleep. I just can't shake this feeling. The idea that me and (him/her) are growing apart, but I've barely known Y/N for a month. So why do I feel this strongly about (him/her)?

It's making me toss and turn, I should just go and talk to (him/her). I quietly get up and put on my slippers. As I slowly make my way out into the hallway and silently close the door, I can faintly hear Y/N's voice, as I walk closer to (his/her) door I start to hear more clearly. It sounds like (he's/she's) talking in English, but the only word I can recognize is the word "head"

"Wait what am I doing, just go in, don't spy on (him/her)" I whisper to myself. I reach out to turn the handle on his door...


Why am I so hesitant?! Y/N won't be mad if I just talk to (him/her) real quick, right?


I just preached to Dahyun and Chaeyoung about how nice (he/she) is, I can't just be afraid of (him/her) all of the sudden.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and open the door

"Y/N do you have a minute?" I say


I open my eyes. Y/N isn't in the room, but the window is open.

I rush to my room and lock the door, then I shake Chaeyoung and Dahyun awake.

"Tzuyu, jeez! What's the matter?" Chaeyoung says

"Y/N's gone!"

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