Chapter 21

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Date: December 4th 2017

Time: 11:49

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

For the first time, in a very very long time, I freeze and don't know what to do.

I can see Sana starting to open her mouth and about to yell out. I run over quickly to both of them and cover their mouths with my hands and kick the door shut before anyone else can see.

"Let me explain" I say slowly to them.

I slowly uncover their mouths and take off the helmet normally, instead of collapsing it. I lock the door and say "This may seem weird but it's just a costume, nothing more"

"Why were you asleep in it then?" asks Sana

"Yeah, and why did you cover our mouths, shut the door, and lock it?" Chaeyoung asks.

They both still seemed shocked. Chaeyoung pulls out her phone from her pocket "Also, last night Dahyun sent us a picture"

Oh no. Please, please don't be from what I think it's going to be.

"Yeah she was attacked last night, but saved by the mask guy again" Sana says

I tried to act surprised but it's probably not that convincing since I'm still nervous.

Chaeyoung shows me a picture on her phone and says "And she sent us this picture with the caption 'meet our new bodyguard'"

Crap. It's a picture of me in the mask, fighting one of the guys from last night. I was so busy dealing with the thugs I didn't even notice her taking the picture

"So if it is 'just a costume' like you say, why does it match the mask in the picture exactly?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Uh.." I stumble on my words trying to think of anything to say "Coincidence, I guess" I say while I try to chuckle

"So I guess, if it's just a costume. I can try it on?" Chaeyoung asks while reaching for the helmet. I quickly stop her and involuntary say "No!"

Both of them jump back and I see Sana move closer to me.

"Y/N... please just tell us the truth. I don't want to feel like no one can talk to me anymore" she says. I can see tears start to well up in her eyes...

I have no other choice. There's nothing I can think of on the spot that's good enough, and if I don't think of anything right now they won't be convinced, and they'll tell Dahyun.

I have to tell them.

I wipe away one tear that fell down Sana's face "Alright" I say "I'll tell you the truth, as long as you both promise that you won't say a word to anyone else"

They both agree and sit down on my bed, and I begin to tell them the truth.

"I didn't lie to you when I said I had no job when I came here, I quit my previous job. Which was in the government, like I told you... what I left out was that I worked as an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency, or the CIA, of the United States. That helmet is one of the things I got from my time working there"

Both of them are shocked to hear what I just said.

"I have been with the agency since I was just 6 years old, and officially started working with them when I was 10" I continued

"What?! 6 years old?!" Chaeyoung yelled

I tried to quiet her down so no one else would try to come check on us.

"Wait..." Sana said "6 years old... that's when you went to the Camp"

"Yeah, the camp was run by the CIA. They trained me for over 10 years, when I became 10 though I finished basic training was able to go on missions" I said while sighing.

They both looked at me and their shock turned to sadness

"So you never had a real childhood then?" Sana asked

"Honestly" I said "Most people at the camp joked about how most of us wouldn't live to see 16... it stopped being funny once it started coming true" I said

Chaeyoung gets up to hug me, and I see Sana starts to cry softly. I kneel down and say "Hey, hey. Look at me" She picks her head up and I wipe away her tears "I'm ok now, and I gave up that life so I could start living and experiencing a more normal one"

"Why did you quit being an agent?" Chaeyoung asks.

I think about that question. The answer to it hurts my heart so much, and it's something I don't want to share with anyone right now. "Oh, uh it's kind of a long story. A story for another day" I reply back

I hug Sana "I'm gonna be fine, trust me"

She talks while sobbing "I- it's j-j-just that, I feel... like we're n-not normal for you"

"Trust me, my life is way more normal now, ironic as it may sound. And like I said last night, you've let me be apart of your group. I feel like I finally have a family again" I say back to her while smiling

"A-and Dahyun wa- was gonna-" Sana pauses then stops crying and says "Dahyun! We have to tell her this! Then she won't want to get you fired and like you again!"

She starts to get up, but I pull her back down to the bed "Sana, please you can't do that"

"Why not?!" she asks.

I sighed "I honestly didn't want to tell any of you, at least for a while. I made a lot of enemies during my time as an agent. So if anyone found out, they could be in danger" I said to her "Both of you should be fine, but before I tell anyone else I just want to make sure that no one will come after you..."

Mainly, the Yakuza.

"So can you promise me you'll both keep this a secret?" I ask

They both nod their heads and I give them a hug again to thank them.

A couple minutes of silence goes by then Chaeyoung speaks up and says "Well we came in here originally to ask if you wanted to watch a movie with all of us?"

"Yeah" I said while smiling "That sounds nice"

"Ok great, Sana can you go ask everyone else and see who wants to join us. I'll start up the movie" Chaeyoung says

"Ok, sounds good" Sana says while leaving the room.

I'm surprised how quickly they both moved past the whole CIA thing. I'm sure they'll have more questions later, but still, I thought I was going to be having this conversation and calming them down for like an hour...

I look up to see Chaeyoung hasn't left yet. She's just looking down at me, like she's entranced or something...

"Chaeyoung are you-"

Just then she quickly leans in and kisses me just for a few seconds. After she pulls back she whispers "My life feels much more normal with you too" She winks and leaves my room.

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