Chapter 10

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Date: December 2nd 2017

Time: 08:00

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Perspective: Y/N

I woke up thirty minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. Maybe it was just first day nerves, but I think I was just actually excited to go to work for once. Getting to see the girls at rehearsals and just doing, more than likely, minor security checks will definitely be a lot less stressful and much more fun that what I'm used to.

"Well no point in going back to sleep now" I say to myself as I kick off from the bed. I decided to get a quick morning workout in before I started the day. Just some simple stuff, some handstand push-ups, a few one handed pull-ups, and some weighted squats for good measure. Although I didn't have any proper weights so I just decided to use the computer chair as a temporary alternative.

Starting to feel a bit more awake now, I peered inside my closet. "Fashion never really was my thing" I mumble "So, what the hell should I wear as a bodyguard?"

I look at the few outfits I have. A suit? Probably a bit much, they're just going to a rehearsal. A t-shirt and jeans? Seems a bit too casual, I feel like it needs something else. My eyes drift towards the black leather jacket I threw on top of the briefcase yesterday.

"That's the one" I say, snatching the jacket and slipping on everything. I look back to the briefcase. There's only one thing I need from that for today. A small black pin sized object. No larger than the tip of my pinky finger. Originally used as a covert earpiece, but a few years back J got his hands on nanotechnology. Now whenever I click down on it, while it's attached to my ear, it transforms into a high-tech helmet. Complete with all the bells and whistles one might imagine comes with it. There's a good chance I won't even need it, but considering how small and out of sight it is, there's no downside to taking it. I snap it on to the inner part of my earlobe and head out towards the kitchen.

No one appears to be awake yet. Good, the girls need as much sleep as they can get. I open the fridge to see what ingredients I'm working with. It's been years since my undercover op at that three Michelin star restaurant in France. So it's been a while since I've cooked anything, but I'm excited to give it a shot. The recipes I made and the skills I learned there still linger faintly in my memory. Hopefully, I don't screw breakfast up too bad.

Grabbing all the ingredients I needed: flour, milk, a little bit of butter, some fruit, and a few spices, I decided to go with something simple. Strawberry crepes with just a little bit of whipped cream on top.

After mixing all of my ingredients together, I poured the batter onto the stove and checked the time - 8:30. No one's come out yet. As I cooked the crepes, the sweet aroma of strawberries and butter filled the room, making even me hungry. I carefully spooned the sliced strawberries onto the golden brown crepes, their juicy redness complementing the delicate texture of the crepes. I added a dollop of freshly whipped cream, watching it melt and meld with the warm crepes. With a flick of my wrist, I deftly folded the crepes into quarters, creating a beautiful presentation that looked as delicious as it smelled.

I peer down the hallway. Still nothing. Jihyo did mention they didn't have to be awake until 9, so I suppose-

"What is that smell??" I hear someone say after swinging a door open. Rushing out from the hall I see Momo practically sprint into the kitchen.

I chuckled, "It's breakfast." I responded. Following behind her, I see Jeongyeon, who seems much less enthusiastic and much more tired, shuffle out to the kitchen as well.

"Good morning" Jeongyeon yawns. As she rubs her eyes open, she tilts her head to the side while looking at the stove "You made breakfast?"

"Of course, that's my job" I replied.

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