Chapter 30

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Date: December 17th 2017

Time: 02:11

Location: Osaka, Japan

Perspective: Y/N

Why am I frozen?

Once again this girl surprises me. I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do.

I try opening my mouth but nothing can come out. She looks so beautiful standing in front of me. The moonlight casting behind her makes her look like an angel, she has such a pure and innocent look on her face. Her eyes... I can't stop staring at them.

She finally breaks the silence by saying "Don't be mad"

I zone back in and say "It's fine, but what are you doing here?"

She walks towards me and sits down on the couch "I.. I wanted to see you. I wanted to have that night you promised me, and I didn't want to wait"

I sit down next to her and brush her hair to the side. I sigh and say "your parents aren't gonna like you being here"

"I don't care" she says "I know I'm probably being too forward, that's how I've always been with people though. I just don't like hiding my emotions, it makes me feel weird and guilty"

Her voice gets quieter.

"I know a lot of people probably think I'm annoying because of that. And I'm not talking about fans, they'll love me no matter what I do. I'm talking about the people I care most about; my family... my friends... you"

Sana wipes away a tear forming in her eye; she looks away from me and says "So I know maybe you don't want to hear this, but I have to say it"

She takes a deep breath, looks at me and then says "Y/N L/N, I love you!!"


I- I- I-

Can I say it back? I've only ever said it to one girl, and now that she's gone...

Can I truly say I feel the same way about Sana? Can I let myself finally fall in love again? Can I be ok with having a happy life again?


Sana starts to get up and says "I understand, I'm sorry. I just had to say it"

She walks to the front door of my hotel room and puts her shoes and coat on.

"Goodnight" she says.

She opens the door and starts to step out.

The sound of the door opening snaps my brain back into reality. I rush to her and grab her arm to pull her back into my room.

"What are you-" she says

I close the door and cut her off by kissing her.

I don't know what I feel

I don't know how this would change things

I don't know if I truly love her

But what I do know is...








I pull away from her lips and say "Let's give you that night you wanted"

She breathes heavily and smiles as wide as she can. She kisses me on the lips and runs to the bedroom.


Date: December 17th 2017

Time: 03:02

Location: Osaka, Japan

Perspective: Y/N

We laid there together in the bed. Both still breathing heavily from what just happened.

I can't believe what just happened.

I can't believe we were both each other's "first"

She rolls over and looks at me and just smiles "Now I really know that I love you" she says

I smile back and brush her hair back...

This girl... there's no way around it. Every time I think I've figured her out, she surprises me in a new way. She makes me feel like I'm not just some weird experiment gone wrong, she makes me like I'm not just a random bodyguard, she makes me like I'm... somebody that matters.

I know what I feel now... and I should've said this to her already


She looks me in the eyes

"I love you too"

She smiles and I start to see tears well up in her eyes. She pulls me in and kisses me.

After we stop I sigh, chuckle, and say "Your dad is gonna kill me"

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