Bonds by a Hiccup

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After countless years living a life with dragons away from home, Valka should feel a sense of relief to finally be back on Berk. However, she couldn't hold back a nagging feeling of uneasiness in her gut as she walked through the very much developed village, nothing quite what she remembered before her disappearance. Not only did dragons and Vikings now live alongside each other, there was one crucial aspect that greatly influenced her discomfort. Stoick had been an important person in her youth, and living on Berk without her husband left a hole in her heart. The only thing that kept her at ease was the presence of dragons, and witnessing her one and only son step up to continue her late husband's path.

As Valka walked through the square, she failed to notice a particular young lady watching her. Astrid Hofferson stood by her boyfriend's side as he inspected a fresh stock of fish and medicinal supplies from merchants. However, she wasn't focused on Hiccup's words, instead on his mother not too far away from them. Ever since she settled down, Astrid hadn't had the opportunity to meet the rather intriguing woman. She had been too caught up in her duties alongside Hiccup as the appointed general of Berk.

Beside her, Hiccup finally finished explaining his expectations to his merchants when he turned to realise the general hadn't been paying attention. In confusion, he followed her distracted gaze as it finally rested on his calm, gentle mother who had knelt over to pet a curious Terrible Terror. His lips curled into a small smile as he watched Astrid's face contort in wonder, completely mesmerised by the unusual lady. With a chuckle, Hiccup wrapped an arm around the blonde's waist, his head resting on top of hers as they both gaze at his mother.

"Distracted?" Hiccup asked in a soft voice, barely catching Astrid's attention below him.

"Mmh," Astrid just shrugged. "She's truly an interesting character huh?"

"I guess you could say that," the auburn-haired Viking replied. "You know, it's almost evening when our duties for the day end. Why don't you go spend some time with her?"

Astrid jolted her head upwards, her eyebrow raised in scepticism. "Me meet your mysterious, dragon-loving mom right now?? Hiccup, would she even like me? I'm pretty sure we barely have anything in common," she explained, her arms flailing about.

"Oh come on, I'm just like her, and if you don't have anything in common with her, how are you my betrothed right now, woman?" Astrid elbowed Hiccup right in the guts, causing him to wheeze out in pain. In response, he released her from his grip. "Hey, you do get what I mean though. Go on, I'm pretty sure she'd love to get to know her 'future daughter-in-law', to quote dad's nickname for you. I'll meet you guys right after dropping by the academy, Fishlegs and Spitelout have been discussing plans of a new practice weapons storage."

His girlfriend spun around, a look of worry flashing from her eyes. Hiccup gave her a gentle smile, helping her calm her nerves. With the chief giving his beloved a last quick peck on her forehead, Astrid walked towards Valka, who was now surrounded by a group of dragons craving for some attention. Her endearing laugh filled the air as she stroked the majestic head of a Hobblegrunt. It took her a moment to notice the blonde girl standing a few feet away, smiling shyly towards her.

"Hi Valka! It's me, Astrid."

Valka's face lit up as stood up, holding an arm out to hold Astrid's hands. The dragons around her gradually departed, leaving her alone with Cloudjumper sitting in silence behind his rider.

"Astrid! It's about time I get to spend some time with you, dear. Don't you need to carry out duties with Hiccup?" Valka's eyes and smile radiated the warmth of a mother's to Astrid. She glanced around, looking for her son who was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah, well, Hiccup was just going to the academy for his last stop today, and since it wasn't anything urgent he decided to give me some time to properly meet you," the blonde girl explained.

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