Memorial Feast

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It was the evening after Drago's defeat, all of Berk was at the great half having a feast to honour the memory of Stoick, and also celebrate the coronation of Chief Hiccup. Not much occurred even though they had a new chief. Everyone in the Hooligan Tribe loved Stoick, one of the greatest warriors and chiefs on Berk, and most of them were mourning.

As they ate their meals, Hiccup sat at the main table with Gobber, Spitelout, Valka and other important officials of Berk, while the rest of the gang, including Eret, were seated at another table further away. Toothless and the other dragons were at the opposite end of the great hall 'swimming' in a fish buffet. The officials wanted to keep Hiccup up to date with the policies and current affairs of Berk to make his first day of duties much more manageable. Always uninterested in the politics, Hiccup soon found his mind wandering off to his memories of his father. He suppressed the urge to let his tears fall and quickly glanced at Astrid at the other table, making eye contact with her. She noticed his sadness and smiled back at him encouragingly, giving him a wink. Hiccup watched her in confusion as she immediately turned to Tuffnut and whispered something into his ear, whose face turned into a splitting grin.

The next thing he knew, Tuffnut stood on the table and held up his mug of mead and shouted to the entire hall, grabbing everyone's attention, including the dragons. "Everyone! We are gathered here this evening for two reasons: to hoonour our great chief Stoick the Vast and to celebrate our new chief, my fishbone buddy Hiccup Haddock," he announced as small laughs echoed through the hall while Hiccup brought his hand to his face, shaking his head. "I know unlike every other celebration, today's isn't as joyful due to our recent loss. However, as a true friend of o mighty Hiccup, I know that Stoick would not want us to be crying in pain, but rather celebrate his life."

"Yes my lad! My best friend wouldn't want us to be so miserable, especially at Chief Hiccup's celebration," Gobber piped in, holding his own mug of mead towards Tuffnut. "Nice to hear some sense out of you boy."

Tuffnut scoffed as the hall erupted in loud laughter. "Sure Gobber, but my point is that we should be celebrating now. Let's sing and dance and keep the memory of our greatest chief alive in our hearts forever," he raised his mug towards Hiccup, which Hiccup returned.

"To the chief!" screamed Tuffnut.

The entire hall echoed back at him, the dragons roared from their end of the hall as everyone drank their glasses to their old and new chiefs. Music started playing in the corner, making the atmosphere much less sombre. Valka laughed in delight as tears formed in her eyes. "Your father would be so proud of you and your friends," she told Hiccup with a soft smile.

Hiccup smiled back. "Yeah, he definitely would be." His eyes moved back to the gang's table, where Astrid and Tuffnut, who has taken his seat, were looking back at him with thumbs up. Valka noticed this and spoke to Hiccup. "You know, you haven't properly introduced me to your friends, and that blonde girl," she said with a wink. "Why not we go over and talk to them now?"

Hiccup nodded in reply and excused themselves from the table. The mother and son made their way towards the lively table of muttonheads where Snotlout and Tuffnut were having a salted fish eating competition.

"Hey guys, as you know this is my mom and she would like to meet you properly since our first meeting wasn't... exciting." The table chorused their greetings at the same time. "Alright mom, this is Fishlegs. I think the both of you will get along very well, he's writing a book about all the dragons we've ever encountered," he said as he gestured towards the chubby Viking.

"Why that's amazing dear! How about you and I sit down one day and I'll tell you I've learnt about dragons?"

This definitely made Fishlegs squeal. "This is amazing Valka! Thank you so much, it's an honour to finally meet you," he replied, shaking her hand excitedly.

Snotlout cleared his throat. "Move over Fishface, it's obviously me she wants to meet," he announced proudly, earning himself a glare from Hiccup who had walked over to Astrid's side, a hand placed on her shoulder. "Everyone knows me, I'm Snotlout, the greatest warrior you'll ever meet." Astrid took out her axe and started to pretend sharpening it. "Besides Astrid," he quickly added, to which Astrid smirked.

"Ah, Spitelout's boy. I remember meeting you when you were still a baby, oh my you definitely had a powerful temper!" The twins roared with laughter at Valka's statement while Snotlout just turned red in embarrassment. Her attention was then drawn to the twins. "And you two must be the infamous Thorston twins Gobber told me about. Why Ruffnut dear, you look as gorgeous as you were when you were little," Valka gushed as Ruffnut blushed. She then turned to Tuffnut. "Thank you for making this celebration much more enjoyable than before, I'm sure Stoick is very proud of you."

"Oh it was no big deal Mrs Haddock, besides the person you should be thanking is your future daughter-in-law, she gave me the idea. We're all too dumb to think of such a thing," Tuffnut replied before wolfing down another piece of fish.

"Daughter-in-law eh Hiccup?" She said with a smirk, glancing at a now flustered Hiccup and Astrid.

"I was about to get to that," Hiccup mumbled under his breath. "Yeah, this is Astrid. We were betrothed a few years ago, dad gave me your betrothal necklace for her."

"And your father made a splendid decision, she definitely deserves it," Valka replied while patting Astrid's shoulder, giving her a warm smile. Astrid immediately relaxed and stood up, shaking Valka's hand politely. "Why you're Hofferson's girl! I remember looking at your bright blue eyes for the first time with your mother, we both melted at your cuteness. I can see that it hasn't faded! Hiccup is one lucky boy to have you."

Astrid giggled. She never expected to be accepted so quickly by Valka, and she knew they were going to be great friends from that day onwards.

"Hey mom, how about you and Astrid go for a walk and bond? I'll stay here and hang out with these guys. I'd like to get to know Eret better anyway," Hiccup suggested. He had noticed the look in Astrid's eyes secretly asking him for that moment.

"Of course dear, that's a wonderful idea! Come along darling, you and I have a lot to talk about Hiccup," she said while pulling Astrid with her, giggling at her idea.

"Hey, don't make her think I'm crazy and leave me!"

Astrid laughed. "It's alright Hiccup, your stories aren't that horrible that'll make your mom think so."

"I was talking to her, not you!"

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