Return to the Great Beyond (part 1)

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This story will be written in two parts. The idea came from one of the Hiccstrid one-shot ideas haddockwriter had been given by his followers on IG: Hiccstrid 25th wedding anniversary. Thank you so much for allowing me to write this story!🥰


Dawn, the most beautiful time of the day on New Berk. The gorgeous sunrise over the horizon could never be missed by any of the resident Vikings. This also happened to be the time where the chief and chieftess decided to depart the island for a three-week long vacation, their first in more than ten years, twenty if referring to those without their children. On their twenty fifth wedding anniversary, their grown up kids and the gang decided to run the island and give the happily married couple a long break from their tiresome routine. As the ship Hiccup and Astrid planned to sail was being stocked up on the last crates of resources, the couple gave the kids last minute instructions.

"Don't forget that the builders should be done repairing the sheep fence and the yak farm's spare feed storage by the time we return," Hiccup reminded the blonde boy who nodded his head vigorously as he elbowed his sister to take notes. Zephyr just rolled her eyes and thrusted some papers and a pencil into his arms before inspecting some weapons being loaded in case of emergencies.

Once everything onboard was prepared and Snotlout had given them the sign of approved thorough inspection, Hiccup and Astrid turned to their kids one last time before their huge journey, all of them excited yet a little worried. Astrid hugged both her children at the same time before planting kisses on their cheeks. "Take care sweethearts, don't worry about us, nothing could ever happen."

Hiccup then hugged them as well, then shook hands with Eret and Snotlout spectating before boarding the ship behind his wife. As they began to sail away, he wrapped his arm around his chieftess and waved to the onlookers waving back at them. Astrid rested her head on his chest and sighed contentedly as she waved.

As soon as the couple were out of sight over the horizon, their kids turned to the men standing with them. "So did you contact Aunt Heather about the plan?" Nuffink asked.

"Yup, everything should be running smoothly," Snotlout replied confidently as he crossed his arms with a grin on his face. "The lovebirds will probably have a heart attack. You two are the smartest with such a brilliant idea. Definitely took after your mother's loving brains for others."

"And your father's selfless thoughts," Eret chimed in, patting the two on their heads before nudging Snotlout. "Come on, we're now under acting chieftess Zephyr, and there's work to do."

"Yeah, and my first order is to not pat us like kids anymore," Zephyr said with a smirk.

"Oh dear, you may be our chieftess, but you can never not be kids in all our eyes."

Miles away, the couple were seated on a bench, snuggling into each other's embrace. "Finally having a break from the village and children since our honeymoon," the gorgeous blonde Viking said. "I might be a little selfish to say that it's about time we had this."

Hiccup chuckled at her words. "Of course, but I still believe that running the village alongside you has been the best thing ever to me, and the children just complete us whole. This is going to be tough three weeks for me without them for once," he replied with a sniffle. "But right now, it's just you and me like we're teens again. Happy 25th anniversary babe."

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