A Mother's Love

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Ever since his sister became the new chieftess of New Berk and him the general, Nuffink Haddock spent his days running about the island completing his duties. Their parents helped them as much as possible, although hardly ever as Hiccup was training a new apprentice blacksmith for the forge while Astrid trained Berk's young warriors. Nuffink never complained, he actually loved his job. Growing up all he ever wanted was to follow in his mother's footsteps, being the general and one of the finest warriors on Berk. All the vikings of the Hooligan tribe would agree that he had the perfect balance of his parents: the identical lanky frame and piercing green eyes of his father with his mother's blonde hair and Hofferson warrior spirit.

One evening Nuffink was running through the forest in the pouring rain, trying to find his way back to the village. He had been planning the development of various locations for firewood and also lookout towers when a thunderstorm approached, followed by the dark of the night and thick clouds. Without the moonlight or a torch that could light the way, he ran aimlessly in the direction where he came from, or so he believed.

He sprinted with his arms outstretched in front of him, feeling for trees that may be in his way. The mud beneath his feet became more and more slippery. Unfortunately the next thing he knew he was sent flying. What he expected was to land on the ground, but he didn't. He was falling, not back into the ground, but off a cliff. He yelled as loudly as he could through the storm, hoping someone would hear him. Worst of his luck, his right leg smashed against a ledge sticking out of the cliff, causing him to scream in agony before crash landing into a tree and blacking out.

Back at home, Hiccup, Astrid and the new chieftess sat together as an incomplete family in their living room, waiting for the youngest member to return home. As the storm got heavier, Astrid began to stress and worry for her son's safety.

"Hiccup, it's almost midnight and he hasn't returned. Something has definitely happened to him."

Hiccup sighed. He wanted to search for his son very badly but knew it'll be unsuccessful in the storm. "Zeph, where was your brother sent off to today?"

"Well after supervising a training session at the academy, he volunteered to lead a group of builders into the forest to discuss development plans and locations. The builders returned without him saying that he wanted to have a better look at the terrain and view for our watchtowers. That was right before the storm arrived," Zephyr replied while looking out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of her brother's silhouette.

Astrid has enough of sitting around. She slammed her fist on the table and stood up abruptly. "That's it, Hiccup! My boy may have been electrocuted by lightning and is stranded somewhere in the forest in this storm!" Although he's twenty and Zephyr older, Astrid would forever call them her babies.

Just as she was about to grab her axe, there was loud pounding on the front door. Zephyr ran to it and answered, seeing her Uncle Snotlout, shorter than her, panting. "Zephyr! Your brother, I heard him screaming in the forest."

With that, Astrid ran out the door and into the pouring rain, leaving her family and a confused Snotlout behind. Hiccup's hand smacked his face at his wife's behaviour before he and his daughter dragged Snotlout after her.

Almost two hours later, when the rain finally stopped, they came across the lifeless looking form of Nuffink. They frantically rescued him, and after checking his pulse, carried him to the healer's hut.


Nuffink stirred, his head throbbing in pain. It took him ages to familiarise himself with his surroundings, in his own room. His eyes fell on a sleeping form of his mother on a chair in the corner of the room.


Astrid slowly stirred from her sleep. As soon as her eyes fell on her son awake, she jumped for joy and screamed out the door. "Hiccup, he's up! My boy is alright." She ran over to Nuffink in bed and engulfed him in a tight hug. Not long later his father was also hugging him. As they pulled away, he noticed that Astrid was crying.

"Mom what's wrong? What happened?"

Hiccup held Astrid by her waist as she wiped her tears and stared at his son. "Nuffink, we almost lost you. You... fell off a cliff. If it weren't for you falling into a tree... we wouldn't have you anymore." He forced his tears down and gave the blonde boy a weak smile.

Nuffink just stared at his parents for a moment. He shifted his body, noticing that something wasn't right with his legs. He lifted up his bedsheets, showing a stump similar to his father's on his right leg. He just gaped at it with mixed feelings. Although shocked by its absence, he didn't feel very miserable as he had his father to help him.

His parents were both very worried about his reaction. "Nuffink, we're sorry but we didn't have a choice. Your leg was smashed and we couldn't save it."

"No dad, it's fine. I'll definitely take a while to get used to it, but hey at least we'll be matching," he said, giving them a reassuring smile. "How long was I out cold though?"

"Almost three weeks, your mother never left your side since the beginning."

Nuffink never felt loved by anyone in his life as much as Astrid had. She definitely only showed devotion and affection to her family. No one could ever have a mom even half as brilliant as she was.

"Where's Zephyr?"

"She's our for her duties. Don't worry, she'll be here to see you as soon as she's back. She sat here every night before going to bed, hoping you will wake up."

"Mom, dad, thank you for everything. I know I'm as old as dad was when he first became chief and should be more independent, but it's the best thing ever to have you guys there for us for everything." Nuffink grinned at Astrid, who smiled back at him.

The couple sat next to their son in bed, Astrid gave him a kiss on the top of his head as they accompanied him as he rested. Nothing beats the love of a mother.

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