Anniversary Surprises

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It was the first anniversary of the chief and chieftess of New Berk's marriage and the entire village was ecstatic. The wedding held the previous year definitely helped the Hooligan tribe recover from the heartache of losing their beloved dragons. To Hiccup and Astrid's confusion, celebrations of their long awaited marriage had never ended among villagers, especially the gang and Gobber. He would occasionally burst into tears whenever Hiccup dropped by the forge while ranting about how he used to be a wee fishbone who never seemed to have a chance with the strongest warrior Berk had since Stoick, leaving the young chief chuckling in embarrassment.

This obviously meant that the Berkians definitely wanted to hold a mass celebration in the great hall. Gobber and the twins planned the entire event from scratch, and Hiccup was extremely relieved to find the hall standing in one piece, thinking Tuffnut had exploded it. It was almost a similar celebration as their wedding night, with the difference of fewer guests without chiefs from other tribes. Also, gift-giving was optional as the couple didn't want it, but some families had already prepared something small for them beforehand.

That morning, Hiccup and Astrid were given the day off, which they spent some alone time on their own anniversary before meeting the entire village. The couple went for a picnic by the beach where Hiccup taught Toothless how to dance for the Light Fury before they visited Astrid's parents as they planned.

"Isn't it amazing to be away from complaining vikings every once in a while?" Hiccup sighed as he laid back onto the ground, head resting in Astrid's lap as he stared at the cloudy sky.

"Oh definitely. I don't remember how it was when I didn't have to run through fields looking for their sheep or teach useless men how to sharpen swords," his blonde wife said as she stroked his hair lovingly while munching on a sandwich. Crumbs fell from her mouth and onto the lazy Viking's face and eye, who let out a grunt of pain as he sat up.

"Jeez Astrid, you're literally wolfing down your food there," he laughed as he rubbed his left eye. "You've really worked up an appetite these weeks, you don't normally stuff your face."

Astrid just shrugged in reply. "I'm just hungrier now, leave me and my sandwich be or I'll throw you into the fireplace and make you into sandwiches."

Hiccup rose his hands as if to surrender while still trying to rub the crumbs out of his eye. "You win, milady. You always win," he smirked at her as she reached for another sandwich. "Oh, I've got a surprise for you after dinner. Don't forget."

He could hardly make out the "sure" Astrid replied with as her mouth stuffed while chewing. He just leaned his body against the love of his life as he reached for a sandwich, avoiding a stack Astrid had reserved for herself. His eyes gazed at the shoreline just metres away from them, the winter air giving a cold gust of wind. He glanced back at his wife unusually bundled up in furs, knowing she loved the winter weather and normally wore thinner clothes. He shrugged off his thought on her change, it was her preference at that moment and the only thing that mattered to him was her comfort.

Hours later, the young couple were seated at the main table of the great hall, and once again Astrid was stuffing her face. Hiccup just laughed awkwardly as Snotlout stared at her in disbelief while Fishlegs giggled amusingly. Astrid didn't seem bothered by their reactions and continued her meal in contentment, even having seconds.

Valka made eye contact with her daughter-in-law, which Hiccup noticed as they shared a few signals with their eyes and leaving him behind in the conversation he wasn't even invited into. His thoughts were pushed out of his mind when Gobber yelled to the entire hall to stand.

"Let's drink to many more years of love, happiness and peace with our chief and chieftess, and to celebrate their first year as a married couple which in my opinion should've been celebrated a year or two ago. And let's hope a young Haddock will be introduced to us very soon!"

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