Not A Baby Dragon

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This one-shot's main idea came from Passion_to_write , moments after Nuffink's birth. Hope y'all like it!


Zephyr never imagined her life would change so drastically after the birth of Nuffink. Unfortunately, little Haddock was born more than a month early and needed extra attention from his parents, Valka and Gothi. While Hiccup spent his days at home caring for his newborn son, Gobber took over his chief duties. With everyone busy with their own jobs and duties, young Zephyr would be unwillingly left with her Uncle Fishlegs from the moment she woke up till dinner time.

Zephyr didn't mind Uncle Fishlegs at all, as long as she wasn't with Uncle Snotty. The last time she was sent there he threw a spoon around the house, making her fetch it back to him while he went on about how Hookfang loved that game. Of course he got an earful from Hiccup after that. Fishlegs was obviously the best with children among the rest of the gang, and Hiccup and Astrid would never take the chance of leaving their little girl with the twins, fearing they might launch her into the sky or blow her up accidentally.

It was a sunny morning and Zephyr was again with Fishlegs for the day. Normally she would show up at his house sulking, but when he gives her some paper and pencils, her mood would lighten up within minutes. This time however, Zephyr's sour mood didn't slip away even when he read her favourite books. After two hours of attempting and failing, Fishlegs decided to confront her about it. He took her Toothless stuffed toy Valka made for her from the mantel and went into his study where she sat on the floor, scribbling on a piece of parchment.

He sat on the floor next to her. She didn't react to his entrance and continued scribbling, letting out a sigh. He propped the Toothless toy next to her hoping to get a reaction, but nothing. As he was about to speak, the two-year-old beat him to it. "I know what you're about to say Uncle Fish. I'm fine, I don't need help."

Fishlegs stared at the little girl in shock. Yep, she's crazy smart, and also acts independent just like her mom at that age. He cleared his throat. "Yeah I was about to ask you that but you should really tell me Zephyr, I need to make sure nothing is wrong."

The little girl stayed quiet for a really long time, but Fishlegs stayed there patiently with her, willing to spend all the time he had just to listen to his best friend's young daughter. He flipped through the pages of a book lying nearby when suddenly Zephyr's soft, sad voice broke the silence: "does mommy and daddy still love me?"

Fishlegs immediately looked up from the book and stared at the auburn-haired girl, that's when he noticed she was crying. He started to panic. She's not a distressed baby dragon, oh Thor what do I do??

"N-no Zephyr, y-your parents really care a-about you," he stuttered while awkwardly patting the little girl on the back. He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down for her. "Why would you think so?"

"They send me away everyday and never play with me after dinner anymore. They're always in Nuffink's room and we don't eat together anymore and Grandma Valka will give me dinner and go to his room too." Zephyr sniffled and clutched her Toothless toy tightly.

The two remained silent for a while until Fishlegs gestured her to sit on his lap, which she did. "Zeph, your parents loved you with all their hearts even before you were born, and still do. Every time your parents and the rest of us meet up, your daddy would never stop talking about you, and he always said that you're the sweetest little Valkyrie in the universe."

"But why would they want Nuffink if they had me?"

Fishlegs gave her a confused look. "I thought you were really excited to have a baby brother or sister?"

Zephyr looked down at the floor and said softly "not if mommy and daddy would forget about me."

Ah, sibling jealousy. Fishlegs knew that Astrid saw this coming and was afraid of it happening and if she heard this conversation she would be extremely miserable with herself. He had to resolve this problem before Zephyr went home that evening.

"Hey, your parents definitely haven't forgotten about you, they're just busy with Nuffink. He needs lots of help as he's still a baby, and I don't think your parents told you but he was born too early and is still too small for a baby. Gothi and your parents need to be there for him all the time in case something happens. Also, they wanted to have Nuffink so you had someone to play with and be by your side."

The little girl nodded slowly. She didn't understand half of what her Uncle Fish had just said but got the idea of why her parents could hardly ever spend time with her. Fishlegs smiled at the little girl and patted her head. "Feeling better now?"

Zephyr looked back up at Fishlegs' huge face and smiled back while wiping away her tears. "Thank you Uncle Fish," she whispered as she hugged him.

"If there's anything you need when your parents or Valka are busy, you know where I live. Remember that your dad trusts me with you, Uncle Snotlout would never be so nice," Fishlegs replied jokingly, earning a scowl from the girl when Snotlout's name was mentioned.

"Uncle Snotty is a short and mean man!" Zephyr exclaimed. Yup, she's just like her mother.

Fishlegs went back to teaching Zephyr how to read as they waited for evening to arrive. However, Hiccup and Astrid showed up at Fishlegs' hut in the afternoon. Normally Fishlegs would walk Zephyr back home in time for dinner, but it seems that the couple finally managed to get out of their hut after weeks caring for Nuffink.

Hiccup and Astrid announced to Fishlegs that Nuffink is getting stronger and that Gothi told them to get out for a break while she watched over him, so they decided to spend some time with their daughter and her temporary babysitter. When they entered, Astrid immediately knelt down onto the floor of the living room and played with Zephyr,much to her daughter's delight, while Fishlegs pulled Hiccup into his study to explain the situation away from the ferocious blonde. Hiccup felt his heart break at what Zephyr thought, but he was glad his best friend helped her feel better.

"Thank you so much for taking such great care of her Fishlegs, I'm so sorry for troubling you all this time."

"Hiccup, that's totally fine. I really enjoy taking care of her. She definitely has her mother's brains, I've never met anyone as smart as her no matter the age and she really loves drawing just like you. So far my favourite is teaching her how to read and she's picking up way faster than I could've expected from a toddler. I'm always up for watching over her, and Nuffink too one day, especially if the only choices left are the twins or Snotlout. She too hates Snotlout as much as her mother did."

The two men laughed and went back to join the girls back in the living room.

"What were you boys up to?" Astrid asked curiously.

"Ah, Fishlegs was just showing me some old dragon sketches I made for his dragon journal years ago," Hiccup replied swiftly before Fishlegs could stutter a much less convincing answer.

From that day onwards, Hiccup made sure he never neglected his daughter, giving her all the attention he possibly could while allowing her to visit Uncle Fishlegs as much as she wanted to.

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