Birthday Blues

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Misery hung in the air. Ever since the dragons left, New Berk was left in a sombre mood, vikings had to build their village from scratch without the help of their flying friends, slowing down the process. And yes, everyone was grieving. It had been four months since. Huts had been erected, although there were still lots of facilities that have yet been started on. Astrid moved into the chief's hut instead of building another hut in which she'll live alone in until they get married, which meant leaving the hut unoccupied.

They would hardly see each other after they leave for their duties in the morning, and only meet in the temporary structure of the great hall before returning home for dinner. One particular morning, Astrid's birthday in fact, Hiccup woke up to find the future chieftess gone from her side of the bed. Of course he was extremely confused with her disappearance, until he got to his kitchen where a note sat on the counter, his name signed at the top. He took the note and read it as he recognising Astrid's handwriting.

I'm out clearing my head, not in a great mood today. Don't worry about me, I'm obviously throwing axes and then I'll be off to my duties. See you tonight at the great hall.

Must be Stormfly's absence from her celebration for the first time in years, Hiccup thought. Stormfly always gave her unexpected surprises on her rider's birthday, including an annual firework display with the other dragons. Hiccup just sighed and left the empty house on his own, worried about his betrothed. No matter how much he wanted to search for her, he knew that she would want some space to herself, after all she used to live on her own and enjoyed it before she moved in with him.


An exhausted Hiccup was now making his way to the great hall to meet Astrid before they walked home after a long day of observing and assisting the construction of Gobber's blacksmith hut and the training academy. However, on his way there, he noticed quite a few vikings giving him looks or glancing and snickering at him as he walked past. All he did was glare at the ruder gestures and ignored the others.

When he made it to the structure of the great hall however, he found Astrid and to his horror, not in the greatest state. In fact, she was drunk, surrounded by vikings cheering on her to drink. He immediately ran over to the birthday girl, who definitely had no idea of her surroundings.

"Get out of here, there's nothing to see," Hiccup yelled protectively at the audience and noticed a Viking with his arm on her waist. He immediately socked the guy in the middle of his face, his nose bursting like a Deathsong firing amber. "That's for having your hands on my girl," he growled, scaring the Viking away.

The next thing Hiccup did was pin Astrid's arm holding a mug of beer, about to take a drink. His sudden action made some beer spill on her and the table, but it didn't matter at that moment.

"Astrid, what are you doing? Drinking won't help your heartbreak, trust me."

Astrid just giggled drunkenly and gazed at Hiccup with droopy eyes. "Hello there sir. You look very much like my boyfriend, have you seen him anywhere?"

Her drunkenness still made her adorable in Hiccup's eyes. "C'mon now milady, you know it's me. Time to go home," he replied with a small grin as he pulled her close to him. To his surprise, she started resisting his grip.

"Get your hands off me, only Hiccup is allowed to do so or he will murder you," Astrid grumbled.

"And he's already knocked out someone for that," he mumbled under his breath. "Astrid you need to go to bed now, I know it's your birthday but you shouldn't be up and about in this state. Let's go home."

Astrid narrowed her drowsy eyes at the auburn-haired boy for a moment, her mind contemplating her trust levels with the "stranger". After what seemed like forever to Hiccup, she nodded in agreement. "If you try anything funny, I swear Hiccup will find you and get you exiled." Even drunk she had the authority to threaten people.

Hiccup raised his hands as if to surrender and laughed before replying. "Anything for you milady, I'll make sure Hiccup won't need to deal with me. Tell me, why is this Hiccup so special to you?" Hiccup stated with a smirk as he dragged her out of the great hall. "He's only made of fishbones and has a horrible voice and people only care that he trained dragons."

The drunk Astrid on his right arm immediately flipped him over, pinning him to the ground while holding up her fist, getting ready to strike. "Hiccup isn't only a hero. I care about him so much because of the person I see in him, not for his achievements and Night Fury. So you insult him one more time you'll have an extra blue eye, for it?"

Hiccup stiffened up. "Wait what do you mean an ext- OW!"

Astrid's fist had hit his left eye. Through his other, he could tell that she was ready to strike again. "Alright alright, I swear I won't do it again. Let's just get back."

Astrid slipped off him and grumbled as they walked back while Hiccup held a hand over his eye in silence. As they reached the front steps to their hut, he heard soft sobs from the blonde warrior.

"Astrid? Is there anything wrong?"

Astrid turned to look at him, still not recognising her betrothed. "Where's Stormfly? Why did she have to go? I miss her."

That definitely shattered Hiccup's heart. He knew if he touched her again his other eye would be bruised, so he decided to do something he never imagined he would ever need to.

"It's alright, I'll go fetch Hiccup quickly for you," he said before running behind a tree, waited for a few seconds before running back to her in the role of Hiccup, or himself. Again.

"Hey milady, I heard everything about you. I understand you're upset Stormfly isn't here, but remember you still have me and the rest of Berk and the gang here too alright? You're not alone and I'm always here for you. Don't ever hide from me again."

Thankfully Astrid recognised him, and hugged him while sobbing in his chest. "You're the best Hiccup. Unlike what that creep said about you. I had to punch him to make him stop."

Hiccup chuckled nervously as she told him that. "Thanks for that, but you need to head off to bed, we can have a small celebration tomorrow since you're not in the right state at the moment."

The young couple walked back into their home and after a troublesome time of Hiccup trying to put the emotional Astrid to bed, he finally got some fruits for his dinner before turning in next to her.

The next morning, Astrid shook him awake.

"Oh my Thor, Hiccup. Who did that to your eye and what happened?"

Oh boy.

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