The Hofferson Lullaby

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Ingrid Hofferson sighed as she struggled to put her month old daughter to sleep and cease crying. She had just had a meal and a diaper change, yet she couldn't figure out why her first born just refused to sleep. As she continued wailing, Ingrid's already exhausted mind whirled, searching for solutions. That's when she remembered a lullaby her husband's mother taught her, who claimed that all children of Hoffersons would be enchanted and soothed by it. She hadn't tried it on her daughter, and decided to give it a go in the midst of her desperation.

Her eyes fell onto her daughter's cringed face and balled fists, took a deep breath before singing softly.

"Rest my child, go to sleep;
For there won't be monsters like dragons who reap.
Daddy's here forever to protect you;
Always showing you the most beautiful view.

Rest my little one, don't cry in vain;
For warriors kill dragons to free you from pain.
Mommy's here forever to care and love you;
And give you the best future earned by few."

Astrid Hofferson's cries reduced to a whimper, her big blue eyes opened to stare at her mother's loving expression in awe. She began to coo softly as Ingrid wiped her tear-stained cheeks. She continued singing as she watched her daughter's eyelids droop and eventually fall asleep soundly.

The creak of floorboards beneath her alerted her of the presence of someone else in the house. She turned around, her eyes laying on the sight of her husband making his way towards his most favourite people in the archipelago with a wide smile on his face.

"Looks like someone's having cute little dreams," he said as he brushed his daughter's blonde hair that matched Ingrid's from her forehead, planting a kiss on her.

His wife chuckled. "You have no idea how long it took me to get her to sleep. So any news from the chief about the upcoming Monstrous Nightmare migration?"

She received a sigh, which pretty much summed up his statement. "A few scout boats have reported double the amount of dragons and more different species in the migration this season. Hopefully they won't leave too much damage or steal too many boars and sheep," he replied. "I hope nothing too terrible occurs. I need to ensure our little one has the brightest future ahead of her."

He glanced back down at the baby in Ingrid's arms. Ingrid passed their daughter to him, who held his strong protective arms around the little baby. "My little Astrid Hofferson. My little Valkyrie."


The young blonde chieftess of New Berk groaned in frustration as her newborn daughter screamed her lungs out, refusing to eat or sleep. The only advice she received from Gothi was to check for a dirty diaper, which according to her would be the main reason for a grumpy baby.

"Honey, I'm home!"

She just sighed as she listened to the footsteps going up the stairs to the main bedroom where she sat with her crying baby in her arms. The door swung open, revealing her husband and his oversized auburn hair, staring back at her with a comforting smile with a hint of guilt.

Hiccup Haddock gazed at Astrid with her blonde hair in a messy and effortless ponytail, with huge dark eye bags under her desperate blue eyes. Through them he could hear her cry for help. She had just given birth to their first child about five days before and was still inexperienced and afraid. Although he was supposed to remain home with her for the first two months of his daughter's life, Gobber had an emergency across the island and needed the chief's assistance.

In three strides, he made his way across the room over to their bed and sat next to her, his eyes glued to the screaming and sobbing mess nestled in Astrid's arms.

"Dirty diaper?"

"I just changed it!"

"Is she hungry?"

"She won't even eat!"

Hiccup took his daughter from his wife's arms and held her protectively, giving her a kiss on her head. He started bouncing her in his cradled arms, shushing her gently as if to reassure her. "It's ok, daddy's here. Please sleep for mommy, will you?"

Astrid laughed weakly as he spoke to the baby. "She doesn't understand you, you know."

"I just assumed she might have an idea," he said with a shrug. Suddenly, a thought hit him. "Hey, your mom told me about you being put to sleep easily with a lullaby from your family. Did you give it a try?" he asked hopefully.

Astrid froze. She did indeed know how the lullaby went, but Hiccup didn't or he wouldn't approve of it. She eyed him cautiously, seeing his eyes sparkle in excitement, wanting to listen to his wife sing, which she haven't ever since baby Garff left the Edge. Defeated, she began to sing the exact words carried down for generations.

Her daughter did immediately calm down, although she still looked like she would cry again. Hiccup immediately passed her back to Astrid, who finally got her to suckle. As she ate, she glanced at her husband watching their baby. She couldn't read the expression on his face except for contentment, smiling at their adorable baby suckling as Astrid fed her. She cleared her throat, grabbing the attention of his distracted eyes from the baby in her arms.

"So uh should I change the words?" she asked as Hiccup gazed at her. He chuckled at her question.

"I have to admit, if I were the baby trying to be lulled to sleep by that, I would definitely not stop crying," he laughed, making Astrid giggle. "Still, it worked on both you and her, definitely showing that you two have the burning Hofferson warrior spirit, and I know she would never turn out to be a dragon killer, just like her mommy and daddy. Besides, traditions should never be changed," he added as he pulled Astrid close to him with an arm, and the other placed beneath their cradled daughter, still being fed by Astrid.

Astrid smiled and leaned into her husband's chest as he rested his head on hers, muttering softly to her. "I would still protect her with my life, against anything that threatens her. My little Zephyr Haddock. My little Valkyrie."

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