Saved By Jealousy

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New chief Hiccup Haddock stormed to the Great Hall for dinner in one of his worst moods of all time. Ever since he broke up with Astrid, practically his entire world besides dragons, all he had done was sulk and release his anger and frustration on nosy Vikings sticking their noses into his love life.

"You will be well again one day, chief."

"What were you thinking, chief?"

"Does that mean that both of you are free to date anyone else now?"

"Heartbreak is part of life, young chief."

Their voices constantly echoed in his mind which throbbed from pain as stress from running the village smoothly and the memory of their break up lingered at the back of his mind. All his friends tried to spend as much time as possible supporting through the tough time, but they had to split their time with Astrid as well since she was also their friend. Hiccup was just grateful he still had his mom and Gobber, who were always there to talk with him.

The young man kicked a stone lying on the ground, which flew and dented the wooden wall of the hut he was walking past. Toothless stopped and stared at the dent, trying to get his rider's attention to the damage, but remain ignored as he continued his tantrum with his feet slamming heavily to the ground. All his mind could think of was his huge, a mistake he wished he could reverse, a mistake that haunted him in his sleep.

*Flashback to two weeks ago*

"Hey babe! How have you- oh my gosh, look at your eyes..."

Astrid had just walked in on her betrothed in his study, working on a sketch of some huts and stables in the middle of the night. Hiccup's eyes were sunken into his head, with dark eye bags visible right beneath them. He just sighed as Astrid dragged and sat down in a stool next to him.

"Hiccup, you look like you haven't had any rest in ten days," she said softly, attempting to use her gentle voice to lull him to bed.

Hiccup, however, rolled his eyes and scoffed. "What else do you think I've been doing? These demanding people need me all day and night, when can I ever get rest for myself?!" He slammed his pencil down in frustration, the graphite tip snapping in the process. The sight of his broken pencil further pushed his exhausted nerves as he groaned and reached for his pocket knife on the other end of the table.

The lovely warrior just ignored his grumpy demeanour and scooted closer to him. "Hey, you need to get some sleep. The village can wait, and it's no good having an exhausted chief forcing himself to work for them. Have you even eaten?"

Instead of making him feel better, he grew annoyed with Astrid's persistent words. "Well, take a wild guess," he rolled his eyes as he spoke. "Obviously I haven't eaten all day, since villagers always keep me occupied without break."

Astrid started to grow aware of his cocky attitude, although she knew it was just his tiredness taking control of him. She pushed it out of her mind, knowing and understanding the amount of pressure and expectations he was being placed under. "Then I'll go get some food for you," she said as she stood up. "I'll help you with more of your duties, but for now you need to get some sleep, it will do you good. You should always come to me whenever you can't handle your duties, you know."

That was when he snapped. He slammed the pencil he was sharpening down, which broke again, and ended up pointing the small yet sharp knife at the general, his best friend, his betrothed. He remained unaware of his actions and took out all his frustration and anger on her. "What do you think you could ever do, huh? Even if work was thrown on you I would always have to oversee it because everyone is bound to make mistakes. You think you're 'helping' me but you're just being another unnecessary burden, Astrid! You don't know what I go through, no one does. All you ever do is pester me and talk so much, gods it gets so annoying, especially when I'm doing work like right now! Ugh, I wish we weren't together so you won't be all over me all the time."

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