Loki Day Mishaps

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A/N: This is a one-shot idea requested from @njis01 , where the dragons stayed on New Berk after HTTYD3 events, and two particular individuals (unnamed because, well, spoilers!) are dedicating an annual routine for Loki with the Haddock kids and Night Lights. Hope you enjoy!


It seemed like yet another regular cool spring day on New Berk. Dragons and Vikings alike were off in all sorts of directions with their respective chores. Not far behind the chief's hut the Light Fury lay in the warm sunlight, sighing in contentment. During the day her three children would always be around the Haddock kids at the academy while Toothless aided Hiccup with his duties. She too would usually lend a hand, however, that particular day most Vikings were taking a day off. This meant that she was free to chill on her own as well.

Suddenly, she felt a thud on the ground, indicating a dragon landing. The Light Fury immediately sat up, her head tilted to the side as she watched for movement in the trees behind her. To her surprise, a very familiar blonde lady appeared, along with her favourite Deadly Nadder. Stormfly bounded towards the sparkling white Fury, squawking in delight at the sight of a friend. Although the Nadder brought loads of excitement, her rider's expression didn't seem pleasant.

"Hey girl!" Astrid exclaimed as she ran up to the Light Fury, rubbing her head gently before climbing back onto Stormfly. "I'm so sorry to be telling you this, but the kids are missing. Both mine and yours."

Fear and worry filled the Light Fury's eyes as her demeanour shifted. She gurgled with anxiousness in her voice as she leapt up into the air. Before zooming off into the distance, she glanced back at Astrid and Stormfly tailing close behind, the rider pointing towards the east. "I'll check the mountain and then get Hiccup and Toothless, you take a look through the forest first before we meet at the gorge." Deep down, Astrid dreaded the fact that of all places, the children would be trapped in the deep, dark cavern where deadly rockslides were common.

The Light Fury grunted in reply as she followed the chieftess' instructions, soaring just above the trees in search for a sign of the children. The two mothers split directions, covering more ground at the same time.

However, almost an hour later, their kids were still no where to be found. The Light Fury perched atop a ledge hanging over the gorge, her eyes observing the slightest movement from within. Deep in her gut she knew her hatchlings couldn't be anywhere else that remained unsearched. After a recent, unforgettable experience with a steaming, aggressive Scauldron, the Night Lights would stray as far as possible from the sea surrounding the gorgeous island.

A roar in the distance alerted her to her mate's presence, alongside the Nadder once again. As they approached, Toothless landed right next to her, licking her head before hanging his head over the ledge, sniffing about. Hiccup hopped off him before he had a chance of slipping off the edge, while his wife and her dragon landed behind him. The Light Fury cooed softly as she nudged Hiccup's arm, the man sensing lots of stress and anxiety in her. Who wouldn't be stressed at a moment like this?

"Hey, it's alright. We'll find them all," the chief assured her while scrubbing her head. Behind him, Astrid approached.

"Seems like she too was unsuccessful, leaving this place to be the last untouched area," she explained as she gestured towards Toothless and the gorge. "I specifically told the kids to never, under any circumstances, enter this pit. The rocks are always loose and could tumble down at any moment!"

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