Return to the Great Beyond (part 2)

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This is the second and final part of the story. The idea came from one of the Hiccstrid one-shot ideas haddockwriter had been given by his followers on IG: Hiccstrid 25th wedding anniversary. Thank you so much for allowing me to write this story!🥰


"To the chief and chieftess of Berk!!"

A week later, Hiccup and Astrid had docked on Berserker Island's newly built port after it became a major centre of trade under the rule of their chieftess Heather. They definitely could not miss out on Astrid's best friend as they ventured around the archipelago, and were currently seated on either side of the chieftess. The entire hall cheered and drank their mead as they toasted for the leaders of their closest allies, the couple laughing in joy, overwhelmed by the enthusiasm. Not any longer later everyone settled down and started eating while the old friends chatted for old times sake.

"Heather, I seriously can't be any prouder of your achievements ever since you were crowned chieftess," Hiccup gushed as his wife nodded vigorously in agreement. "No other chief has been able to establish a new vital trading system, solve disputes between four other islands, and replaced the outdated syllabus for the education and training of young citizens within the first five years of ruling."

Heather blushed while hiding her face by stuffing herself with her yak chop. "Hiccup, none of this could've happened if it weren't for Dagur, Mala and you. Believe me, I received much backlash from the people who didn't believe in me, but the constant support kept me going as Berserker Island rose. I have to admit that much of our techniques and equipment are based on our allies and their successes, but we are now steadily growing into the ship-building industry."

Astrid placed a hand on Heather's arm and smiled softly. "Hey, you deserved this, and you know we will always have your back no matter what, especially Dagur. We've all received backlash when we first stepped up, but it's important to remember that friends will always be there to support you. Besides, you must have a huge relief without needing to move unlike us or the Defenders of the Wing, judging by the fact that the alpha once resided right beneath our feet."

"Oh, you mean the Bewilderbeast. Well, the year the dragons left, a few months prior, the old alpha made an enormous crater on the opposite end of the island. I believe I've told that story during your wedding," Heather explained as she pointed across the hall towards the mountain. "What I haven't told you was that we were extremely lucky only a few huts were damaged. The old beast climbed out of its den, crawled into the sea and was never seen again. The elders believe it was on its final journey to Vanaheim."

Hiccup cleared his throat as he swallowed his last piece of specially-prepared baked fish. "It is nice to hear that the dragon could live its final days peacefully," he said, smiling at the thought of the moment she had with his mother's Bewilderbeast, who unfortunately didn't have a similar ending. The two ladies nodded in agreement before silence fell over them.

Heather then cleared her throat before speaking again. "The crater is still there, it's just too massive for us to patch up. As long as the rest of the island remains strong enough for our settlement, we won't interfere with the crater. Often, villagers bring offerings in remembrance of the dragons. I can take you there tomorrow at dawn, the view is most beautiful at that time," Heather suggested, receiving rapid nods from the couple.

"An awesome opportunity to bond with my best friend after all these years too," Astrid said as she wrapped an arm around Heather. "Say, would you have time to duel once in a while? For old time's sake?"

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